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Can Ipill Cause Delayed Periods, Intermenstrual Spotting, And Irregular Periods?

Posted on Wed, 14 Dec 2022
Question: On 5th & 23rd my wife aged 34 had one ipill on each of the days due to condom failure during intercourse. She got her periods on July 4th which was more or less on time and okay. Then on 21st July she got little brown spotting and today 25th she got almost like her periods but not exactly like periods. We have a 5 year old daugher she had concieved via c section. We are worried on what happened on 21st july and today 25th. Her usual date of period is 7 days before. So this time periods should come on 27th July if 4th is her date. Please advise what to do.
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (52 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Intermenstrual spotting

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query on HeathcareMagic.

Ipill can cause, delayed periods, intermenstrual spotting, and irregular periods. Periods can become irregular for 2-3 cycles after taking Ipill. Its a side effect of the medicine due to its hormonal component. It mostly seems like intermenstrual spotting. I will also recommend pelvic ultrasound to rule out any structural conditions. If it perists beyond 2-3 cycles, a gynecologist consult will be needed.

Since her recent pap smear was also normal, there is nothing much to worry. Did she take any medicine after papsmear?

I pill must not be used as regular contraception. Use it only upto 2-3 times a year as it can disrupt hormones of the female.

Hope this helps. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (6 minutes later)
Thank you doctor.
She got her last period which was on 4th july more or less regular in timing. This last roughly 5 days more or less. She gets 7 days early. So her periods should have come towards end of July. But she got on 21st spotting and then today 25th little period type of period.
She consumed ipill last month on 4th & 23rd

Assume I had not told about ipill then when does this happen. We are very worried. Please help us with answer.
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (31 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
If IPill not involved, still similar answer

Detailed Answer:
Hi again

If we assume its not due to Ipill, then again its hormonal imbalance due to some other stressor. Second reason could be spotting due to cervicitis and then periods are earlier date. Third reason could be structural issue like fibroid etc. Forth reason could be a cancer of cervix etc.
Recently her pap smear was normal and ruled out any cervicitis, infection or cancer.

First thing would be to rule out any structural disease with an ultrasound. It is easy to get an ultrasound and become relaxed that no abnormal lumps. If the problem continues then hormonal analysis would be needed by a gynecologist.

Periods can get abnormal sometimes, it is not a reason to be worried. These tend to get back to normal naturally. Stress must be avoided as its most common cause of disturbing hormones.

Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (50 minutes later)
Thank you so much Doctor.

My wife clarifies that from 21st july it was continuous spotting and today 25th july was pinkish like beginning of periods but not periods only spotting.

The ipill was taken last month on 4th XXXXXXX and 23rd XXXXXXX after that she got periods on 4th july. Then after periods no ipill was taken and this problem happened.

Sorry to reclarify but we are very worried hence request you to revist the above information and tell us about this symptom, diagnonsis and treatment plan. How do we cure this.
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (27 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
So its ongoing intermenstrual spotting

Detailed Answer:
Hi again

Thanks for coming back with clarification.

So its ongoing intermenstrual spotting, which is a common finding after IPill.

This effect of IPill is temporary and will resolve soon. Anyways body restores the hormonal balance in a month or so. So there is nothing to worry.

To clear your doubts, please get an ultrasound. Even if there is structural problem or maybe abortion, it will show up on ultrasound only. You can get back to me with the reports.

Yeast infection (as per pap smear) may also be responsible and it can be easily cleared by drinking cleaner water and exercising regularly to build one's immunity.

I again reassure you that there is nothing to worry. We have played with our hormones and now body will heal itself in sometime. If I give another hormone, it will create more imbalance.

Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (13 minutes later)
Thank you doctor.

1)You mentioned abortion we are pretty certain she wasnt pregnant at all.

2) Secondly besides pelvic ultrasound what all test are required as we would like to rule out all other possibilities.

3) How do we normalise this hormonal issue

4) If ipill taken last month then she gets periods and then this issue happens. Does such things happen.

Appreciate and thank you for answers to all the 4 questions above.

Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Seriously, my suggestion is to give it some time

Detailed Answer:
Hi again

To rule out pregnancy, blood pregnancy test.

No other test required for now. Only Ultrasound to be done. Wait for 2 months. If periods do not normalise, then get female hormone analysis blood test done.

Medicines are not recommended for now. Give it some time and it will normalise by itself. Trust me

Yes it is seen routinely in gynecology clinical practice that periods become irregular after IPill or other hormone tablets and many other medicines as well.

So no need to disturb her hormones further. Relax and take it easy. Its not a big problem.

Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (20 hours later)
Hi Doctor,

Today my wife is getting black dry discharge. What is this exactly.

Thank you
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (25 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
It indicates dried blood

Detailed Answer:

Its nothing serious. It just means that blood took a day or two to come out of uterus and meanwhile it got black and dry.

Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (2 hours later)
Hello Doctor,

1)My wife is feeling nauseatic, restless and irritable.

2)Also I forgot to tell you that she has been urinating frequently at night.

Please help what is the cause of the above 2 what is the reason and what to do.

Thank you
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (10 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Mostly hormonal imbalance only

Detailed Answer:

Its most ikely hormonal imbalance only.
Other reasons could be urinary tract infection, pregnancy or some structural problem.

I strongly suggest you to get an ultrasound done. A urinalysis will also be needed to find cause of urinary frequency.

Dr Vaishalee

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (3 hours later)
1)Right now my wife wiped her vagina she got little red small clots and fresh blood. She said this has come a few times in past few days but goes on its own and cones again.

2)She is also feeling bloated.

Please can you help on above 2.
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (13 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Bloating could be premenstrual syndrome

Detailed Answer:

2) Bloating is also seen in premenstrual syndrome. It suggests that your wife is only experiencing hormone imbalance. As I stated earlier it will normalise in sometime. She can drink cleaner water and exercise daily for atleast half an hour. Exercising makes a person feels light and also regularise internal hormonal system.

1) Passing blood in between periods does require an ultrasound. Only then some treatment can be suggested.

Dr Vaishalee

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (9 hours later)
Please refer pregnancy hcg blood test. Gynaecologist told to do it. Is she pregnant.
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (5 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Pregnancy needs to be ruled out

Detailed Answer:
Hi again

Pregnancy does need to be ruled out before proceding to further management. It is part of protocol. Since she is sexually active, pregnancy is a possibility but a rare one in your case. But its a must to rule it out.
The symptom of continuous bleed could be of incomplete abortion (a rare chance in your case) and not just ipill induced hormonal disturbance. That's why.

Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (6 hours later)
Dear Doctor,
I did not ask why the pregnancy test.
I have attached the pregnancy test report with this question.
We are unable to understand the report so please go through the report and confirm what does the report say. What is the interpretation of it.
Thank you
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
It means not pregnant

Detailed Answer:
I have gone through the reports and it means that she is not pregnant.

Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (24 hours later)
Hi Doctor,

She got her periods yesterday but there is hardly any flow or rather no flow.

1) She is worried it could be menopause or we do not know what it is. What could this be?
2) She is feeling very irritable and symptoms like depression.

Please do elaborate on the above 2. Thank you.
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (3 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Dont worry, she will get the flow soon

Detailed Answer:
Hi again

There is no need to worry. It is not menopause. It is just hormonal imabalance. The hormones will correct themselves. Also the flow will start in sometime. Aerobic/vigorous exercise or brisk walking, cycling etc will help start the blood flow.

Yes, irritability is due to hormones and premenstrual syndrome. Once the flow starts her mood will also normalise.

She can take ibuprofen 200 mg upto 2 times a day for any pain or discomfort.
Mood stabilizers can also be prescribed for a bad case.

Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (4 days later)
We did pelvic ultrasound. Please refer attached image and tell us what does it mean and what is the findings.
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (12 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Small fibroid present

Detailed Answer:
Hi again

I have seen the reports. It shows a small fibroid, otherwise normal ultrasound.

The fibroid (fibrous lump) is seen in the muscles of uterus. It is benign (not cancer), slow growing, takes 3-5 years to grow, gets bigger with OC pills or I pills. Its symptoms usually include excessive bleeding during periods, more frequent periods. Bigger fibroids can cause recurrent abortions, pain, palpable lump, vaginal discharge. Excessive bleed can result in anemia.

Small or asymptomatic fibroids do not require removal. It needs to be followed every 6 months with ultrasound.
If your wife's periods do not normalise in 2-3 months, then the menstrual irregularities are due to fibroid. It is not an emergency. So you can opt for surgery at your convenience or when symptoms get worse.

Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (1 hour later)
1)What are chances it will grow.

2)Can it stop growing on its own.

3)When is best time to remove it.

4)If we remove can it reoccur.

5) basically u r saying we need to see periods for 3 more months and then do a ultrasound after 6 months. Any other advice.
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (6 minutes later)
1)How common is this size fibroid in a female age 34. Basically as a percentage or a number is it common or rare disease.

2) What age of a female does this size fibroid usually happen
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
It depends on causative factors

Detailed Answer:

The fibroids have been linked to many factors like hormones (estrogen and progesterone), pregnancy, age, genes etc.

1)What are chances it will grow.
good (>70%) chances of growing especially if causative factor is continuing

2)Can it stop growing on its own.
yes it can stop and even regress, when causative factor is withdrawn. E,g after pregnancy, fibroid may regress.

3)When is best time to remove it.
when pain and bleeding is unbearable

4)If we remove can it reoccur.
30% chance of recurring

5) basically u r saying we need to see periods for 3 more months and then do a ultrasound after 6 months. Any other advice.

1)How common is this size fibroid in a female age 34. Basically as a percentage or a number is it common or rare disease.
Its a common disease. Lifetime risk is 45%.

2) What age of a female does this size fibroid usually happen
- Reproductive age between 18 and 50 years

Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Vaishalee Punj (13 minutes later)
1)Last ipill in XXXXXXX and we have decided she wont take it again. If she wont ever take again and does not get pregnant will it reduce.

2)Is it recommended to remove now when it is small.

3) Is it harmful in anyway if we leave it

4) Can it lead to problems if we leave it inside even if it does not grow.

4) Does it impact her health in anyway.
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (27 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Yes it can regress

Detailed Answer:
1)Last ipill in XXXXXXX and we have decided she wont take it again. If she wont ever take again and does not get pregnant will it reduce.
Yes it can regress

2)Is it recommended to remove now when it is small.
Its the woman's personal choice

3) Is it harmful in anyway if we leave it
Its not harmful if left alone. Sometimes there maybe complications like growth to bigger size, more pain, etc

4) Can it lead to problems if we leave it inside even if it does not grow.
No it doesnt lead to problem in overall health of woman. Only the symptoms maybe bothersome.

4) Does it impact her health in anyway.
No it doesnt impact overall health. Its not cancerous. It can cause anemia if bleeding is too much.

Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Vaishalee Punj

General & Family Physician

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Can Ipill Cause Delayed Periods, Intermenstrual Spotting, And Irregular Periods?

Brief Answer: Intermenstrual spotting Detailed Answer: Hi Thanks for posting your query on HeathcareMagic. Ipill can cause, delayed periods, intermenstrual spotting, and irregular periods. Periods can become irregular for 2-3 cycles after taking Ipill. Its a side effect of the medicine due to its hormonal component. It mostly seems like intermenstrual spotting. I will also recommend pelvic ultrasound to rule out any structural conditions. If it perists beyond 2-3 cycles, a gynecologist consult will be needed. Since her recent pap smear was also normal, there is nothing much to worry. Did she take any medicine after papsmear? I pill must not be used as regular contraception. Use it only upto 2-3 times a year as it can disrupt hormones of the female. Hope this helps. Let me know if I can assist you further. Dr Vaishalee