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Can You Explain These Test Results For Me And Why

Posted on Sat, 4 Jul 2020
Question: Can you explain these test results for me and why the ER discharged me saying "everything is normal, but you might want to see your primary care physician to get a holter monitor" How concerned should I be and how quickly should I be trying to get a holter monitor?
My doctor is closed until the fall due to COVID and the only reason I am this concerned is because the symptoms are persisting.
Also I take Potassium Citrate, could this be the cause and NOT an actual heart problem?
Thank you--Test results are below
Vent. Rate : 099 BPM Atrial Rate : 099 BPM
P-R Int : 112 ms QRS Dur : 088 ms
QT Int : 326 ms P-R-T Axes : 066 -46 005 degrees
QTc Int : 418 ms

Normal sinus rhythm
Left axis deviation
voltage criteria for bilateral hypertrophy
ST-T wave changes in IIi and aVF - cannot rule out inferior ischemia
Abnormal ECG
No previous ECGs available
Confirmed by Baron, Suzanne (10058) on 3/10/2020 5:26:57 PM
Answered by Dr. Bhanu Partap (50 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Please refer to the detailed answer below

Detailed Answer:

After going through the medical query provided by you I can understand your concern for your health and I would like to tell you that the ECG para metres which you have provided in the question are within normal limits. However the STT changes mentioned can only be verified for ischaemia after seeing the image of ecg because for STT changes the ECG machine interpretation is not reliable.

Kindly upload the image of the ecg for proper interpretation.

Also the chances of having any significant heart issue in this young age group is minimum.

Also I would like to know why you are taking potassium at first place.

Kind Regards
Note: For further queries related to coronary artery disease and prevention, click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Answered by
Dr. Bhanu Partap


Practicing since :2010

Answered : 4759 Questions


The User accepted the expert's answer

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Can You Explain These Test Results For Me And Why

Brief Answer: Please refer to the detailed answer below Detailed Answer: Hello After going through the medical query provided by you I can understand your concern for your health and I would like to tell you that the ECG para metres which you have provided in the question are within normal limits. However the STT changes mentioned can only be verified for ischaemia after seeing the image of ecg because for STT changes the ECG machine interpretation is not reliable. Kindly upload the image of the ecg for proper interpretation. Also the chances of having any significant heart issue in this young age group is minimum. Also I would like to know why you are taking potassium at first place. Kind Regards