Could Taking An I-pill After Intercourse Affect My Menstrual Cycle, Causing A Delay?
First 5 days are safer
Detailed Answer:
The chances of pregnancy are less during the first 10 days of the cycle. Usually the ovum is relased on 14th day of the cycle. Sometiems a day or two early in case your periods are short. The first 5 days are much safer, the chances of ovulation in first 5 days is almost nil.
4th day can be considered safe for intercourse not expecting conception, need not worry, wait till the due date. In case, period bleeding doesnt occur a week after the due date, then you can go for pregnancy test.
Even without pregnancy, a period can be delayed or missed in many. This can happen due to hormonal imbalance, most of times which need no intervention.
Hope I answered your query. Wish you good health.