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Dear Doctor I Have Taken HIV Duo Antibody And Antinegn

Posted on Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Question: Dear Doctor
I have taken HIV Duo Antibody and Antinegn test on 87th Day and the results are negative. Can I take this conclusive also if I take the rapid test does the result change ?
Answered by Dr. Sunil Jangid (20 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Yes you can consider the test result as 99% conclusive.

Detailed Answer:
Dear Shakul,

Welcome to Ask a Specialist Service.

HIV Duos test result after 87 days of exposure is negative so it can be considered 99% conclusive because 99% of people will develop antibodies after 3 months of infection and the result will not change if you do rapid test also. I can guide you more if I get to know about the exposure details so for any further doubt feel free to get back to me any time. Wish you a very happy and healthy life.

Thank You
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Follow up: Dr. Sunil Jangid (1 hour later)
The exposure was oral sex basically I was receiver with my cousin I had touched her clitoris slightly with my tip of the finger but I did not insert my finger in her vagina neither we kissed each other. She did blow job to me and when I was about to cum I masturbated with the same hand. This is the exposure Sir
Answered by Dr. Sunil Jangid (17 hours later)
Brief Answer:
The risk of getting HIV is highly unlikely with your exposure.

Detailed Answer:
Dear Shakul,

Welcome back and thanks for follow-up.

The exposure was blow job by your partner without any penetrative activity so you need not to think too much about HIV because kissing, playing with genitals, blow job are as such no risk activities for HIV transmission. Be relaxed, forget the episode and live your life normally as the test result after 87 days of exposure is also negative. If still you have any other doubt feel free to ask me any time.

Thank You
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Follow up: Dr. Sunil Jangid (11 hours later)
Thank you doctor and a quick check should I get tested for STD also is HSV 1 common amongst people in XXXXXXX unless somebody gets tested doesn't get to know the HSV 1 so can they live normal life as everyone
Answered by Dr. Sunil Jangid (11 hours later)
Brief Answer:
I don't think that there is any need for HSV-1 testing.

Detailed Answer:
Dear Shakul,

HSV-1 is common among young sexually active people in XXXXXXX but I don't think that the testing for HSV-1 is needed in your case because the risk is less likely with single exposure with one partner. Still, if you want to be 100% sure then go for testing for your mental satisfaction.

Thank You
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Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Answered by
Dr. Sunil Jangid

HIV AIDS Specialist

Practicing since :2009

Answered : 2022 Questions


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Dear Doctor I Have Taken HIV Duo Antibody And Antinegn

Brief Answer: Yes you can consider the test result as 99% conclusive. Detailed Answer: Dear Shakul, Welcome to Ask a Specialist Service. HIV Duos test result after 87 days of exposure is negative so it can be considered 99% conclusive because 99% of people will develop antibodies after 3 months of infection and the result will not change if you do rapid test also. I can guide you more if I get to know about the exposure details so for any further doubt feel free to get back to me any time. Wish you a very happy and healthy life. Thank You