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Dear Sir/madam, I Am Suffering From Vascular Head Ache In

Posted on Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Question: Dear sir/madam, i am suffering from vascular head ache in the right side. i am using rizact 5 and Napra D 500. i am not feeling much relief. can you please suggest some other medication. Thank you
Answered by Dr. LAKSHMI (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Kindly read below

Detailed Answer:
Hi ,
Thank you for reaching out at Ask A Doctor.
I have read your query and understood your concern
RIZACT 5 and NAPRA D 500 can be used during an acute episode of migraine but I would recommend you to start
NORTRIPTYLINE +PREGABALIN combination medicine such as Pregabid NT 75mg one tablet per day after food for 3 months as this could prevent the headache episodes.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. LAKSHMI (20 hours later)
Thank you madam for suggesting. one question, do I need to continue other 2 medicine along with the prescribed or we can stop those and use the suggested one. Thank you
Answered by Dr. LAKSHMI (19 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
kindly read below

Detailed Answer:
Hi Sir ,
Thank you for reaching out at Ask A Doctor
As mentioned earlier the other 2 medications can be taken only if symptoms presents i.e . during an episode of migraine and the Pregabid NT 75mg on daily basis for 3 months .
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by

General & Family Physician

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Dear Sir/madam, I Am Suffering From Vascular Head Ache In

Brief Answer: Kindly read below Detailed Answer: Hi , Thank you for reaching out at Ask A Doctor. I have read your query and understood your concern RIZACT 5 and NAPRA D 500 can be used during an acute episode of migraine but I would recommend you to start NORTRIPTYLINE +PREGABALIN combination medicine such as Pregabid NT 75mg one tablet per day after food for 3 months as this could prevent the headache episodes. Regards Dr XXXXXXX