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Good Morning, This Question Is Intended For Dr. Ditah Only

Posted on Sun, 12 Jul 2020
Question: Good morning, this question is intended for Dr. Ditah only

It seems longer but alas only a week since we chatted, The anxiety bounces around. I think I am making some progress at least at present at seeing that physical symptoms that create anxiety as in fact rather normal signs of the issues I battle the most. Anxiety, Reflux and IBS. Have hit a bit of a snag, in that an online dr. I have worked with for several years seems to be coming across as curt and uninterested. I am not blaming either of us. I have said many times anxiety makes people complicated; what frustrates me, is that people seem to become impatient when dealing with "us". Like this is a life style we cose...ahh...NO no one would chose this. My real medical issue, which is starting to influence the anxiety is; if you can believe this, is an infected cyst on my back Last week at PT, that area got some heavy attention...between shoulder blades,,, I was sore but thought nothing about it until I saw some blood tinge and icky stuff on shirt. It oozed on and off. I ignored it ..showered , did use back brush,,,but noticed one evening when I was taking a great tub soak..that as I leaned into back of tub..felt a pop..again more drainage Things then started to get painful and more painful. So with much effort and twisting I could finally see it is swollen and quite red. So I spent yesterday applying warm cloths and by night started the Neosporin....Some better today...the 2 red flags,,,is #1 unless an Urgent care place would take care of it..I'll be one of those that tries to XXXXXXX it myself...#2 red flag,,yesterday saw our church would soon be opening..with meca restrictions..temp check was one...last night a 99.5 temp; probably from cyst has be thinking I won't be able to about Panic !! I am being told by customer service I can request you from your profile page...or do as I did and just put your name in intro....still wish I could get to you quicker. Hope this finds you.
Answered by Dr. Ramesh Kumar (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Please go through detailed answer dear.

Detailed Answer:
Hello my dear friend and thank you for choosing "Ask a Doctor" service for your query,
I could very well understand the level of problem a person could be having as a result of anxiety.
It's a hidden devil which has effected every one once in his/her life and the biggest problem is that no one understands really the intensity of problem the patient is having.
From IBS to Gastritis to any problem anxiety may be a direct cause.
The first and the foremost step to curb anxiety is go open your heart to your friends. Seriously interaction is the best ways to calm down your mind.
Human beings are designed to interact socially and to laugh. So before suggesting you hormones that messes up with your brain and nervous system I would suggest you to go to walk every morning and try to laugh out loudly for 15 minutes(may sound weird but this secretes a lots and lots of happiness hormone called Endorphins).
Drink a glass of chilled milk at night. It contains Lactium which is a natural Anti Anxiety agent.
See when the level of anxiety are high the autonomous nervous system of your body get stimulated and hence causes problems like IBS or GERD.
No a doctor should never be impatient while treating his patient.He/She should listen to the patient as no one wants to visit doctor it's the agony the patient is facing which brings them to doctor,
And only a person who had gone through that agony can feel what a patient feel likes. You can share every thing here don't worry I would be more then happy to reply to you.
Don't worry at all even if it's a cyst an ultrasound would be done and treatment would be given.
Can you just give me a clear picture of that part my dear.You can use you mirror and XXXXXXX to take a clear picture. A good professional advice could be given only after that.
Dr Kumar
Consultant Gastroenterologist.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Follow up: Dr. Ramesh Kumar (2 hours later)
Dr XXXXXXX I appreciate all you have shared and offered. My only reluctance, is that I have established a very comfortable with Dr. don't take it personal...if I try and find him. I really appreciate your very understanding supportive attitude. Wish every white coat I came into contact was like you...Many thanks and blessings.. XXXXXXX
Answered by Dr. Ramesh Kumar (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Follow up.

Detailed Answer:
Thank you so much for appreciation,
Please feel free to share any query you want to anytime my dear.
Note: For further follow up on digestive issues share your reports here and Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Answered by
Dr. Ramesh Kumar


Practicing since :1986

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Good Morning, This Question Is Intended For Dr. Ditah Only

Brief Answer: Please go through detailed answer dear. Detailed Answer: Hello my dear friend and thank you for choosing "Ask a Doctor" service for your query, I could very well understand the level of problem a person could be having as a result of anxiety. It's a hidden devil which has effected every one once in his/her life and the biggest problem is that no one understands really the intensity of problem the patient is having. From IBS to Gastritis to any problem anxiety may be a direct cause. The first and the foremost step to curb anxiety is go open your heart to your friends. Seriously interaction is the best ways to calm down your mind. Human beings are designed to interact socially and to laugh. So before suggesting you hormones that messes up with your brain and nervous system I would suggest you to go to walk every morning and try to laugh out loudly for 15 minutes(may sound weird but this secretes a lots and lots of happiness hormone called Endorphins). Drink a glass of chilled milk at night. It contains Lactium which is a natural Anti Anxiety agent. See when the level of anxiety are high the autonomous nervous system of your body get stimulated and hence causes problems like IBS or GERD. No a doctor should never be impatient while treating his patient.He/She should listen to the patient as no one wants to visit doctor it's the agony the patient is facing which brings them to doctor, And only a person who had gone through that agony can feel what a patient feel likes. You can share every thing here don't worry I would be more then happy to reply to you. Don't worry at all even if it's a cyst an ultrasound would be done and treatment would be given. Can you just give me a clear picture of that part my dear.You can use you mirror and XXXXXXX to take a clear picture. A good professional advice could be given only after that. Waiting. Regards. Dr Kumar Consultant Gastroenterologist.