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Hello- About A Year Ago I Saw A Proctologist Regarding

Posted on Thu, 16 Jul 2020
Question: Hello- about a year ago I saw a proctologist regarding an issue with my testicles. He said it was Epididymitis and that it would go away on its own. The swelling did go away and now about a month ago I’m having trouble ejaculating and have very sore testicles. I know it can be related to certain STI’s so I have ordered testing to do at home but I have been a teacher for 7 years and also think it could be related to UTI’s? I have not been diagnosed with a UTI but wondering if I just didn’t know I have had them.
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (9 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Provide few more details

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query .

Based on the facts that you have posted you seem to have been facing problem of painful ejaculation and discomfort in testicles .
I shall be happy if you can post me more details to help me in making precise comments .
1) What is your age ?
2) Do you have any urinary complains like increased frequency or urination ,burning while passing urine .nocturnal frequency, pain in perineal region etc?
3) Are you married and sexually active?
4) Are you diabetic?

Expecting your feedback .Please do not hesitate to write if you have more questions .I shall be happy to address the same .

Thanks and Regards.
Dr Patil.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (4 minutes later)

1) What is your age ? 31 years old
2) Do you have any urinary complains like increased frequency or urination ,burning while passing urine .nocturnal frequency, pain in perineal region etc?
I felt I had to frequently urinate while teaching class but no pain when I urinate. I’ve been a teacher for years and had to hold my urine for long periods of time during classes.
3) Are you married and sexually active?not married - sexually active with my girlfriend and I simply cannot ejaculate - I have been able to make myself by masturbation but it takes a very long time.
4) Are you diabetic?
Not diabetic - very healthy otherwise!
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (19 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Thanks for update

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for feedback and update .

The problem of not ejaculating and getting ejaculated with masturbation is mostly due to what is called as Psychological inhibition and inadequate penile stimulation which is a main prerequisite for ejaculation ..

You have to discuss the issue with your girlfriend as her co operation is equally important to resolve the problem .

Modifying sex techniques like coitus interruptus or changing the sex positions like woman on top position, oral sex will help to enhance penile stimulation to get ejaculation .Consulting qualified sexologist ( Along with your girlfriend)will help to resolve the issue .

Taking Sildenafil (Viagra)as on demand will help to get good hard sustainable erection and to have enjoyable sex.

Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions, I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (13 minutes later)
There is no issue with becoming hard I simply cannot come - so it is very frustrating.
You do not think this could be from anything serious related to UTI’s or STI’s ?
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (13 hours later)
Brief Answer:
It is not due to either UTI or STI.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow p .
Delayed ejaculation in majority of cases is psychogenic in origin .
Consult qualified Psychiatrist for counselling .

A help from sexologist as explained in my earlier reply will help to resolve the issue .
Thanks and Regards.
Dr Patil.
Note: Consult a Urologist online for consultation about prostate and bladder problems, sexual dysfunction, kidney stones, prostate enlargement, urinary incontinence, impotence and erectile dysfunction - Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil


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Hello- About A Year Ago I Saw A Proctologist Regarding

Brief Answer: Provide few more details Detailed Answer: Hello Thanks for query . Based on the facts that you have posted you seem to have been facing problem of painful ejaculation and discomfort in testicles . I shall be happy if you can post me more details to help me in making precise comments . 1) What is your age ? 2) Do you have any urinary complains like increased frequency or urination ,burning while passing urine .nocturnal frequency, pain in perineal region etc? 3) Are you married and sexually active? 4) Are you diabetic? Expecting your feedback .Please do not hesitate to write if you have more questions .I shall be happy to address the same . Thanks and Regards. Dr Patil.