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Hello. 21 Year Old Female Here. So Starting Last Monday

Posted on Sat, 27 Jun 2020
Question: Hello. 21 year old female here. So starting last Monday I started feeling sick. Nausea, abdominal pain, and fatigue. I ended up going to the doctor on Wednesday and was told I have a GI bug. My anxiety had been up the entire time because I wasn’t feeling well and i never get sick. On Thursday, I went to the ER and they ran my blood and urine samples. My resting heart rate was 120bpm when I got there, assuming I was nervous, and around 90 when I left. They said this could be due to my body fighting off the infection. My urine samples came back great and so did my blood samples, my potassium was just low. I still haven’t had much of an appetite and haven’t ate much, but keep drinking fluids and peeing A LOT. My resting heart rate as of right now is around 110bpm and my left arm feels kind of weird, just tingling, and the upper part. I’ve googled everything, and associated with my chest tightness, I’m worried I’m having a heart attack or is it my body just continuously giving me anxiety while I’m still sick? Thank you
Answered by Dr. Ilir Sharka (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
I would explain as follows:

Detailed Answer:

Welcome to Ask a Doctor service!

I passed carefully through your question and would explain that your symptoms could be related to different possible causes: gastritis, a cardiac issue, or musculoskeletal pain.

I would like to know if you have performed a resting ECG and cardiac enzymes in the ER.

If you have not performed these tests yet, I would recommend performing them.

Is the pain triggered by deep breathing or body movements? This would be indicative of musculoskeletal pain.

Does Tylenol or Ibuprofen relieve your complaints?

This would also be indicative of musculoskeletal pain ( probably local inflammation).

Regarding the increased heart rate, I would agree with your Doctor that it could be related to inflammation/ infection or dehydration.

I would also recommend checking blood pressure values, as low blood pressure could be another sign of dehydration and you may need to take rehydration solutions ( in the drug store).

I remain at your disposal for any further questions whenever you need!

Kind regards,

Dr.Ilir Sharka
Note: For further queries related to coronary artery disease and prevention, click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Answered by
Dr. Ilir Sharka


Practicing since :2001

Answered : 9540 Questions


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Hello. 21 Year Old Female Here. So Starting Last Monday

Brief Answer: I would explain as follows: Detailed Answer: Hello! Welcome to Ask a Doctor service! I passed carefully through your question and would explain that your symptoms could be related to different possible causes: gastritis, a cardiac issue, or musculoskeletal pain. I would like to know if you have performed a resting ECG and cardiac enzymes in the ER. If you have not performed these tests yet, I would recommend performing them. Is the pain triggered by deep breathing or body movements? This would be indicative of musculoskeletal pain. Does Tylenol or Ibuprofen relieve your complaints? This would also be indicative of musculoskeletal pain ( probably local inflammation). Regarding the increased heart rate, I would agree with your Doctor that it could be related to inflammation/ infection or dehydration. I would also recommend checking blood pressure values, as low blood pressure could be another sign of dehydration and you may need to take rehydration solutions ( in the drug store). I remain at your disposal for any further questions whenever you need! Kind regards, Dr.Ilir Sharka