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Hello 48 Ur Old Women Just Wondering If U Can

Posted on Thu, 2 Jul 2020
Question: Hello 48 ur old women just wondering if u can shed some light and maybe see if I should ask my gp on a virtual appt for any tests my ear has been hurting on and off for a week usually on the outside I did see my gp 2 weeks ago and they said I had some wax build up for the last 2 days my ear has been hurting but also the same side of my throat I know they are all connected I have regular blood pressure no other symptoms is there anything you can recommend thanks
Answered by Dr. Naveen Kumar Nanjasetty (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Inflammation of the external ear secondary to wax build up

Detailed Answer:

Thanks for posting the query

The left earache could be secondary to the wax build up causing pressure over the ear canal skin. The ear and the throat has the same innervation, hence, any inflammation in the throat can be perceived in the ear and vice versa.

Unless the wax is removed completely, the pressure and pain would not come down. Secondly, once you try to use any wax softeners, the wax would swell and increase the pressure over the canal skin.

1. It would be wiser to take anti-inflammatory medicines such as Diclofenac or Ibuprofen (if not allergic to any of the above medications) available over the counter to reduce the inflammation and pain.

2. Get the wax removed as early as possible after using the wax solvents.

3. Avoid using any Q-tips inside the ear. This would worsen your problem.

Hope this answers your query; I would be available for the follow-up queries.

Dr. Naveen Kumar N.
ENT and Head & Neck Surgeon
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Naveen Kumar Nanjasetty (8 hours later)
Thanks can this also cause lightheaded because this morning as I was getting out of bed I was lightheaded a bit better now my blood pressure is good oxygen is good alittle anxious
Answered by Dr. Naveen Kumar Nanjasetty (32 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Yes, pressure inside the ear canal can cause lightheadedness

Detailed Answer:

Thanks for writing back

Yes, the presence of wax and the pressure built up inside the canal can induce lightheadedness. Don’t worry! once the wax is removed, you would definitely feel better.

Hope this clarifies your doubts. Wish you good health.

Dr. Naveen Kumar N
ENT and Head & Neck Surgeon
Note: Consult an experienced Otolaryngologist / ENT Specialist online for further follow up on ear, nose, and throat issues - Book a Call now.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Naveen Kumar Nanjasetty

Otolaryngologist / ENT Specialist

Practicing since :2001

Answered : 2544 Questions


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Hello 48 Ur Old Women Just Wondering If U Can

Brief Answer: Inflammation of the external ear secondary to wax build up Detailed Answer: Hi Thanks for posting the query The left earache could be secondary to the wax build up causing pressure over the ear canal skin. The ear and the throat has the same innervation, hence, any inflammation in the throat can be perceived in the ear and vice versa. Unless the wax is removed completely, the pressure and pain would not come down. Secondly, once you try to use any wax softeners, the wax would swell and increase the pressure over the canal skin. 1. It would be wiser to take anti-inflammatory medicines such as Diclofenac or Ibuprofen (if not allergic to any of the above medications) available over the counter to reduce the inflammation and pain. 2. Get the wax removed as early as possible after using the wax solvents. 3. Avoid using any Q-tips inside the ear. This would worsen your problem. Hope this answers your query; I would be available for the follow-up queries. Regards Dr. Naveen Kumar N. ENT and Head & Neck Surgeon