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Hello Dr RK. I Had Contacted You Previously About Gastritis

Posted on Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Question: Hello Dr RK. I had contacted you previously about gastritis or may be Irritable bowl syndrome. In addition to probiotics, I am now taking 1 pepcid 20 mg daily and that is generally ok. But I need to take it also.
1) Is there anything else I can do to get off the pepcid or better to keep taking it till stomach completely healed.
2)I want to get a stool test done for H Pylori. Do I have to stop pepcid before the test and for how long.
3)Can keep taking probiotics for the stool test for H Pylori?
Thank you.
Answered by Dr. Dr.P.Ratnakar Kini (2 days later)
Brief Answer:
Answer given below

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for getting back to me with more questions.

1. Continue taking Pepcid till your stomach is completely healed

2. Yes you have to stop Pepcid before getting tested for H.pylori. You have to stop it for at least 2 weeks before the test.

3. No you have to stop probiotics also for 2 weeks before the test..

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Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Answered by
Dr. Dr.P.Ratnakar Kini


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Hello Dr RK. I Had Contacted You Previously About Gastritis

Brief Answer: Answer given below Detailed Answer: Hi, Thanks for getting back to me with more questions. 1. Continue taking Pepcid till your stomach is completely healed 2. Yes you have to stop Pepcid before getting tested for H.pylori. You have to stop it for at least 2 weeks before the test. 3. No you have to stop probiotics also for 2 weeks before the test.. Regards, Dr.R.K.