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Hello, I Am A 32 Year Old Male. I Went

Posted on Fri, 12 Aug 2022
Question: Hello,
I am a 32 year old male. I went to doctor, because me and my partner are not having baby from past two and half years. My semen analysis and sperm dfi test reports seem normal. However, my serum testoterone test is li'l below the mark. My doctor recommended I can have T Cernos 40 mg in 1-0-1 fashion for a month. However, I have a doubt, while going through online articles it is mentioned that testoterone replacement therapy should not be taken by male who want to father a biological child. Now, I am in dilemma whether I should start taking cernos.
On a side note, my wife's gync suggested me to take Q gold tablets for 3 months. I am feeling good after starting this tablet and earlier I used to feel exhausted, after starting Q gold fatigue problem is solved.
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (1 hour later)
Note:- Blood serum for testoterone was taken during evening hours, I have doubt here as well. I believe, result shows high value if taken during morning hours in fasting state.
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (10 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Testosterone is concerned with sexual desire (LIBIDO)

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query .Based on the reports that you have posted your semen analysis is well within normal range as per WHO standards .

Testosterone is an enzyme secreted by testicles and governs sexual desire and physical wellbeing of a male .Since your semen analysis is well within normal range as per WHO standards taking exogenous Testosterone is of no value as far as fertility is concerned .

Get your Testosterone test done in the morning .

Following general measures will help to increase your Testosterone levels .

1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning.
2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and Vitamin A,C,D,E.and Zinc
3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 everyday..
4) Avoid alcohol and smoking..

Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions, I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Dr Patil

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Saisudha Kotla
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (7 hours later)
Hello Doctor,

Thanks for your response. I have few more questions to ask:-

I had circumcision when was 7-8 years old, since then my penis got li'l bent towards right side and when it is erected bent is further reduced. I don't have any issue in intercourse and my wife does not have any complaints too. My question:-

1. I believe motility of sperm is designed as per straight penis, so progressive sperms can either travel straight or in circular motion. But, if penis is li'l bent will it reach cervix directly ( considering straight progression of sperms ) and if not then up to what extent will it affect fertility of men or having ability to have a biological child?

2. My office had done regular test for my urine and blood samples. I found a couple of parameters not in the required range, 'm especially bothered about hemoglobin and Vitamin D ( I guess somewhere it is related to sperm hormones ). Can you prescribe medicines for parameters not in the range? I am attaching reports for those as well.
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (6 minutes later)
Third question:-

Testoterone can increase volume of sperm, so it will increase sperm parameters not sure ( it will increase chances to have a child )? If it can increase then, is it good to have testoterone tablet Cernos on 1-0-1 fashion for a month? I am afraid if I take this tablet then it will actually decrease sperm count until this will be taken and it will take sometime to get back sperm of better quality ( if compare to current quality ) after stopping tablets.

If this is the case then I don't want to take tablets. Please advise.
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (14 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Curvature of penis has no role in motility of sperms.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .

The curvature of penis does not play any role in deposition and motility of sperms towards cervix .

You can take
Tabe Renerve once daily and Tab Calcerol(D3 60000 I.U ) once in a week for 3 month to incerase your B12 and D3 levels .

Do not take Testosterone supplements .

Thanks and Refgards.
Dr Patil
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (9 hours later)
Thanks for the reply. Hope this would be the last question, my wife's gync doctor suggested her to go for laparoscopy if things don't work out in next two months. Well, I went ahead and did all my checks because I wanted to check my stats first before putting her onto the knife. Do you think she can go with laparoscopy considering my stats or let me rephrase it do you think my stats are good enough and because of me it is not the hindrance and my wife can go ahead with laparoscopy?

Or shall I wait until Vitamins D and Hemoglobin course is completed ( not sure if they are related to fertility )?

NOTE:- I am taking Q gold tablets and feeling really good after starting the course ( earlier I used to feel
exhausted ).

Please advise.
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (2 minutes later)
Question:- I hope there should not be any issue in continuing with Q gold along with Renerve once daily (3 months )and Tab Calcerol D3 60000 I.U ( 3 months ).
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (15 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Can not make comments about advice by Gyenocologist .regarding Laproscopy.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .
Since I do not have any medical history of your wife I can not make any comments about advice given by Gyenocologist to go for Laproscopy for your wife .

I would suggest you to ask your Gyenocologist about the reason for suggesting laproscopy .or what is suspecting .

Have you done Ultrasound Scanning Of your wife ?

Thanks and Regards.
Dr Patil.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (9 hours later)
1.So, you recommend Tab Calcerol D3 60000 I.U ( 3 months ) only and not renerve seeing my Q gold course?

Yes, she has got done not only ultrasound scanning but a series of other tests. But nothing seem to be of trouble except Prolcatin and glucose test ( after having 75 gm of glucose ), for that she is taking medicine. But doctor, says if this does not work then she needs to go for laparoscopy and she will check it in more advanced manner ( we had two failed iuis as well ). If you have suggestions then please let us know.

2. I understand gync doctor says laparoscopy and decision is solely on us. But, my intention was to ask you because it should not be some issue at my side and she needs to go for it unnecessarily.
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (3 minutes later)
Correction to the first question:-

1.So, you recommend Tab Calcerol D3 60000 I.U ( 3 months ) and renerve ( 3 months ) both seeing my Q gold course ( 3 months )?

Second question remains same.

es, she has got done not only ultrasound scanning but a series of other tests. But nothing seem to be of trouble except Prolcatin and glucose test ( after having 75 gm of glucose ), for that she is taking medicine. But doctor, says if this does not work then she needs to go for laparoscopy and she will check it in more advanced manner ( we had two failed iuis as well ). If you have suggestions then please let us know.

2. I understand gync doctor says laparoscopy and decision is solely on us. But, my intention was to ask you because it should not be some issue at my side and she needs to go for it unnecessarily.

Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (11 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Need to consult qualified Infertility Specialist.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up
Since your Semen analysis report is normal You need to consult qualified infertility specialist to have examination and hormonal analysis of your wife.
Thanks and Regards
Dr. Patil
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (14 hours later)
seems you are missing this question:-

So, you recommend Tab Calcerol D3 60000 I.U ( 3 months ) and renerve ( 3 months ) both seeing my Q gold course ( 3 months )?
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (13 hours later)
Brief Answer:
I do not have any knowledge about Q Gold

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing again .
Q Gold is an Ayurvedic medicine .I do not have any knowledge about any Ayurvedic medicine Hence I could not make any comment about it's efficacy or action .It is you to decide wherher to cotinue it or not along with medincines which I have suggested ..

Thanks and Regards.
Dr Patil.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (11 hours later)
It is allopathic medicine, have attached the screenshot.
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (11 hours later)
Brief Answer:
You can take it along with B12 and Vit D3

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing again .
Q Gold contains essentialelements and Vitamins that help to boost up your energy level .You can continue taking it along with medicines suggested earlier .
Thanks and Regards.
Dr Patil.
Note: Consult a Urologist online for consultation about prostate and bladder problems, sexual dysfunction, kidney stones, prostate enlargement, urinary incontinence, impotence and erectile dysfunction - Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil


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Hello, I Am A 32 Year Old Male. I Went

Note:- Blood serum for testoterone was taken during evening hours, I have doubt here as well. I believe, result shows high value if taken during morning hours in fasting state.