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Hello! I Am A 55 Year Old Female In Good

Posted on Tue, 9 Aug 2022
Question: Hello! I am a 55 year old female in good health, and have never smoked. I am attaching a copy of a CT scan of my abdomen and pelvis from December of 2021 (to check for diverticulitis) and also one I had done in December of 2019 (to check for kidney stones). As you will see, the 2021 report mentions a 6 mm ground glass lingular nodule, stable from prior CT scan in 2019. My doctor was not concerned and did not suggest any follow up for it. Unfortunately I happened to google ground glass modules and saw a lot of scary information. Is this anything to worried about?

Also, I have health anxiety and realized that I use a lot of plug-In air fresheners in my house and office. I regrettably googled them and saw some information that they could contain carcinogens and now I’m worried. I do not smoke and have no exposure to toxic chemicals. Do you think anything is worrisome here (I am not going to use them anymore!).

Thank you for any reassurances which you can provide.
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (10 hours later)
Brief Answer:
No need to worry for this.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your question on Ask a doctor forum.
I can understand your concern.
I have gone through the reports you have attached.
No need to worry for this.
This looks like atelectasis (partial collapse of part of lung mostly due to retained secretions).
Better to get done repeat CT thorax after 6-8 months.
If it improves or remain static, no need to worry.
Only if it increases in size or development of new lesions then only we have to investigate further.
Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Follow up: Dr. Drkaushal85 (28 hours later)
Thank you so much Dr. Bhavsar! I have good news to report…I had a follow up Ct scan of my chest yesterday and just got the report, which I am attaching…from what I can garner, everything is normal and the nodule is only 4mm with no follow up needed….
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (2 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
No need to worry for this nodule now.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Ask a doctor forum.
Good to see that report.
No need to worry now for that nodule.
I will be happy to help you further.
Wish you good health. Thanks.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Drkaushal85


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Hello! I Am A 55 Year Old Female In Good

Brief Answer: No need to worry for this. Detailed Answer: Thanks for your question on Ask a doctor forum. I can understand your concern. I have gone through the reports you have attached. No need to worry for this. This looks like atelectasis (partial collapse of part of lung mostly due to retained secretions). Better to get done repeat CT thorax after 6-8 months. If it improves or remain static, no need to worry. Only if it increases in size or development of new lesions then only we have to investigate further. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.