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Hello. I Had Protected Sex Last Night With Someone I

Posted on Mon, 6 Jul 2020
Question: Hello. I had protected sex last night with someone I have no clue about there past. When is the soonest I can go in and get tested for STDs?
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (54 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Do STD test after 4 weeks.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear, welcome to Ask a doctor's service.
I read your query and here is my advice.
If you had protected sex with condom the possibility of acquiring STD is very low .
A condom gives you protection for many STD including HIV.
If you had unprotected sex and you want to get tested the nearest time to do STD test is 4 weeks.
The HIV test should be done 4 weeks after intercourse as well as hepatitis B and C while you can get tested earlier for Chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Hope I have answered the question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (25 minutes later)
Thanks for answering my question. So you think I’m most likely good ? I’m just very worried. Even if the condom might not have fully been covering the base of my penis?
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
I don't think STD test is necessary.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear and thank you for asking again.
If you used a condom you are mostly protected even though it may have not fully recovered the base of penis.
You don't have much risk to get an STD while using condom.
I don't think STD test is necessary but you can do it in order to put your mind at ease.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (23 hours later)
One last question, sorry.
I have a history of epididymitis. Been treated for it twice. The doctor I last saw said the mild pain will come and go as he thinks I might have chronic epididymitis. My testicles really hurt the day after sex and total as well. Could this be the epididymitis flaring up or potentially an STD/STI coming.
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Pain no related to STD possible exposed.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear and thank you for asking again.
You used protection from STD but even if you didn't it may require some days to experience symptoms not just right away. The pain may be related to chronic epididymitis or hydrocele you were having often.
Let me know if I can assist you further

Note: For further follow up on related General & Family Physician Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Answered by
Dr. Olgeta Xhufka

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2011

Answered : 10166 Questions


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Hello. I Had Protected Sex Last Night With Someone I

Brief Answer: Do STD test after 4 weeks. Detailed Answer: Hello dear, welcome to Ask a doctor's service. I read your query and here is my advice. If you had protected sex with condom the possibility of acquiring STD is very low . A condom gives you protection for many STD including HIV. If you had unprotected sex and you want to get tested the nearest time to do STD test is 4 weeks. The HIV test should be done 4 weeks after intercourse as well as hepatitis B and C while you can get tested earlier for Chlamydia and gonorrhea. Hope I have answered the question. Let me know if I can assist you further.