Hello ! To Much Reading Makes You To Much Stress
To much reading makes you to much stress !
Qestion about Ocular Toxaplasma
1.In ocular toxaplasma if there is single perifer lesion - it does not need treatmetn, it is self limiting !
2.Does treatment prevent blidness ? In all literature said you must treat comlicated ocular toxaplasma gondi
As early diagnosis and treatment macular lesions will prevent blidness ?
As i understad treatmetn will prevent eye problem progresion if there is ocular toxaplasma gondi !
But during reccurance blurred vision occure !
So you must treat Ocular Toxaplasma and just wear new glases !
Thank you
You are correct to a certain extent.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Read it well and understood your concerns.
I think of your question as a general knowledge study. Or is it that someone you know is suffering from Ocular Toxoplasmosis?
To answer your specific queries with add-on points:
1> Since treatment is available, one should get treated.
2> Timely diagnosis and treatment helps a lot. Earlier the better. It can at least limit the loss.
3> Yes, your knowledge is correct.
But to add-on:
Such diseases needs a consultation with an Ophthalmologist, particularly the one who has diagnosed and treated such cases as he can have the best possible opinion about the diagnosis, staging, possible mode of best treatment as every patient will be presenting differently.
Large Ophthalmology centers have specialized diagnostic facilities, more experience hence the chance of offering the best possible individualized treatment.
I hope this answer helps you. Feel free to ask for further relevant queries. All your queries are great and testing for our Team.
Do not get stressed so much.
Take care.
Dr T Chandrakant.
So in conclusion if treated in time it will avoide blidness ?
And as you said earlyer treatmetn will reduce vision lost in less amount ?
Thank you
Yes, as per my knowledge.
Detailed Answer:
Most of the diseases are treatable and can give better results if diagnosed and treated in time.
Yes, you have got it correct.