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Hello This Is For Dr Sharka I Am Back I

Posted on Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Question: Hello this is for dr Sharka I am back I seem to be having upper gi issue no other issues all vitals r normal just wondering if this can be cardiac related recent traponin was normal
Answered by Dr. Ilir Sharka (3 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Your symptoms are not related to the heart.

Detailed Answer:

Welcome back to Ask a Doctor service!

I understand your concern and would explain that your symptoms seem to be related to possible acid reflux or costochondritis.

Have you tried to take an antiacid or PPI( omeprazole)?

Is the pain triggered by spicy food or heavy meals?

Is the pain triggered by deep breathing or manual pressure on the chest? This could be indicative of musculoskeletal pain.

Anyway, considering all your performed cardiac tests, I would exclude any possible cardiac issues.

Hope you will find this information helpful!

I would be glad to assist you again whenever you need!

Kind regards,

Dr. Iliri
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Ilir Sharka (3 days later)
Hi there
So it seems the upper part of my stomach has uncomfortable and pain seems at times it feels like acid or pain I just want to ensure that it is not cardiac related .. I recently did traponin tests that indicate no cardiac event at that time I have normal colesterol blood pressure heart rate my recent ecg which I showed up previously said possible past cardiac event but I have spoken to my cardiologist he seems to think unlikely since I have had the following tests annually ecg echo stress echo most recent in January echo and stress test both normal
Answered by Dr. Ilir Sharka (11 hours later)
Brief Answer:
I would explain as follows:

Detailed Answer:

Based on your description, your symptoms seem to be related to acid reflux or gastritis. For this reason, I recommend taking PPI (omprazole, pantoprazole) and see if your situation improves.

Another possible cause to consider would be fibromyalgia, which is known to cause pain in this region.

Anyway, I agree with your cardiologist that a cardiac issue is less possible.

Hope you will find this information helpful!

Please let me know about everything!

Wishing all the best,

Dr. Iliri
Note: For further follow up on related General & Family Physician Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Ilir Sharka


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Hello This Is For Dr Sharka I Am Back I

Brief Answer: Your symptoms are not related to the heart. Detailed Answer: Dear XXXXXXX Welcome back to Ask a Doctor service! I understand your concern and would explain that your symptoms seem to be related to possible acid reflux or costochondritis. Have you tried to take an antiacid or PPI( omeprazole)? Is the pain triggered by spicy food or heavy meals? Is the pain triggered by deep breathing or manual pressure on the chest? This could be indicative of musculoskeletal pain. Anyway, considering all your performed cardiac tests, I would exclude any possible cardiac issues. Hope you will find this information helpful! I would be glad to assist you again whenever you need! Kind regards, Dr. Iliri