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Hi Ayurveda Doctor, I Am Trying To Conceive And Having

Posted on Sun, 4 Nov 2018
Question: Hi Ayurveda Doctor, I am trying to conceive and having pcod and prediabetic condition ,I had very good control on sugar level one month back but now my sugar level is keep increasing after food don't know why as I stopped taking fenugreek seeds water and I diagnosed with pcod one month back and my insulin test is normal ,so my question is having flax seed in water I don't chew just drink that water swallow the flax seed is it good? am also taking fenugreek seed water so I heard its bad during pregnancy and it effect neurological problem in fetus so what should be alternative except fenugreek seed which easily available as masala or vegetable and also safe in during pregnancy/conceiving also my pcod detected later firs I diagnosed with high sugar level
Answered by Dr. Munish Sood (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
further necessary information

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting the Ayurveda section of [A]YUSH and after reviewing your health query, I'm of the following opinion:

1. As you have already consulted numerous Physician(s) of various specialties, so it seems that you already have got an insight into your disease, thus I'll be limiting myself to the basic management.

i. As being overweight is one of the factors for PCOS which in turn causes less sensitivity to Insulin causing high blood sugar [or pre diabetes] thus make sure your weight is in normal range according to your age.

ii. As PCOS is because of low metabolism, thus please check with your Thyroid Profile and Blood sugar level [which are most of the time abnormal in PCOS]

PS. please share your blood sugar test, also let me know whether PCOS is primary or secondary to some disease [opinion of gynecologist]? and is your Menstrual cycle regular or not?

iii. Because PCOS affect Ovulation so do check with your Doctor for Medications, till then

. AVOID: refined carbohydrates (packed cereals, white bread-rice-flour,pasta, cakes ,biscuits, sugar, honey, fruit juice concentrates, starch,watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple,potato,carrots,dried fruits,ice cream,chocolates,jellies, pizza), fatty food,curd,late night work,milk,mustard oil,cabbage,soybean.

.TAKE: fresh green vegetables,whole grains,olives,soy products,whole legumes (peas,beans,lentils),brown rice,oatmeal,barley, green gram, saindhav [rock salt] Lavan, tandulodak [rice gruel],coconut water,vegetable soups.

iv. since PCOS is due to low metabolism (digestive fire) thus medicine will work/ function by increasing the Metabolism by acting as:
. XXXXXXX [appetizers],
. pacahana [digestion],
. ushna [hot],
. tekshna [sharp],
. sukshma [subtle],
. lekhana drugs [anti obese and anti kapha/fat] and thus reducing the symptoms.

PS. I do prepare natural Ayurveda medicine for such pathology which is non-hormonal and free from any adverse drug reaction or side effects. If interested I can courier you the medicine, [In Ayurveda we call it ARTVA VAHA SROTO DUSHTI [Blocked channels], and provide medicine along with certain yogic exercises like Simhasan, Vajrasan, Shalabhasan, Sarvangasana.

v. flax [alsi] seeds/shatavari are a source of plant estrogen which help make up for the hormonal imbalance in PCOS

PS. Whole flaxseeds can pass virtually undigested through the human digestive system. This means that the body will not be able to absorb all these wonderful nutrients found in flaxseeds, this is why it’s important to grind flaxseeds in order to get the desired nutrition [so don't drink the water or swallow whole]

vi. Fenugreek seeds induce contractions [in pregnancy], but because you are not pregnant but trying to conceive thus can certainly take it [as the extract is successfully used in lowering high blood glucose]

Do revert back with your clarification(s).

Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant Physician

direct online link:
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Munish Sood (31 hours later)
My weight is 50.9 and height is 152cm but my lower abdomen is quite fatty

My hba1c is 5.5 so first I detected with high sugar level after food specially Maida Refined flour and my period was regular but it is coming for more than 5 days so after ultrasound and other test detected with pcod
My thyroid is 4.96

Regarding Flax seed should I grind and soaked in water? For grinding I need to fry that seed

Could you please let me know any other other herbs/masala that I can take which will help in my problem and also it is safe during conceiving

For ovulation am taking insitol(name not confirmed b vitamin)if u know any ayurvedic medicine /herb/masala please let me know
Answered by Dr. Munish Sood (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
further details

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back.

1. With progression, peripheral tissue becomes less sensitive to insulin and central adipose tissue become more sensitive to Insulin [resulting in central/truncal obesity].

2. Yes, you can fry flax seeds before grinding [because seeds have a high boiling point and high heat stability] so even after roasting the omega 3 fatty acid present in the flax seeds remain intact.

3. Herbs/spices like garlic, cinnamon, fenugreek, haldi, neem, Shatavari, jamun, trifla are good, likewise carrots, cauliflower, spinach, celery, tomatoes, mushrooms, peas, walnuts, almonds, brown rice, herbal tea, multigrain bread, buttermilk is ideal, avoid white sugar, white rice, maida, sooji, junk/ non- vegetarian food.

4. Kachnaar Guggulu, gokshuradi Guggulu, Tablet HYPONIDD, are some of the available medicines in the market, and some are prepared by me which act directly on the pathology, i.e.
-     Which act on the thyroid, fat and digestion
-     Other one acts as uterine tonic and is non hormonal formula.

Dr. Munish
Note: Deal with your health issues naturally by getting closer to Ayurveda. click here to learn more.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Answered by
Dr. Munish Sood

Ayurveda Specialist

Practicing since :2003

Answered : 3698 Questions


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Hi Ayurveda Doctor, I Am Trying To Conceive And Having

Brief Answer: further necessary information Detailed Answer: Dear Thanks for contacting the Ayurveda section of [A]YUSH and after reviewing your health query, I'm of the following opinion: 1. As you have already consulted numerous Physician(s) of various specialties, so it seems that you already have got an insight into your disease, thus I'll be limiting myself to the basic management. i. As being overweight is one of the factors for PCOS which in turn causes less sensitivity to Insulin causing high blood sugar [or pre diabetes] thus make sure your weight is in normal range according to your age. ii. As PCOS is because of low metabolism, thus please check with your Thyroid Profile and Blood sugar level [which are most of the time abnormal in PCOS] PS. please share your blood sugar test, also let me know whether PCOS is primary or secondary to some disease [opinion of gynecologist]? and is your Menstrual cycle regular or not? iii. Because PCOS affect Ovulation so do check with your Doctor for Medications, till then . AVOID: refined carbohydrates (packed cereals, white bread-rice-flour,pasta, cakes ,biscuits, sugar, honey, fruit juice concentrates, starch,watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple,potato,carrots,dried fruits,ice cream,chocolates,jellies, pizza), fatty food,curd,late night work,milk,mustard oil,cabbage,soybean. .TAKE: fresh green vegetables,whole grains,olives,soy products,whole legumes (peas,beans,lentils),brown rice,oatmeal,barley, green gram, saindhav [rock salt] Lavan, tandulodak [rice gruel],coconut water,vegetable soups. iv. since PCOS is due to low metabolism (digestive fire) thus medicine will work/ function by increasing the Metabolism by acting as: . XXXXXXX [appetizers], . pacahana [digestion], . ushna [hot], . tekshna [sharp], . sukshma [subtle], . lekhana drugs [anti obese and anti kapha/fat] and thus reducing the symptoms. PS. I do prepare natural Ayurveda medicine for such pathology which is non-hormonal and free from any adverse drug reaction or side effects. If interested I can courier you the medicine, [In Ayurveda we call it ARTVA VAHA SROTO DUSHTI [Blocked channels], and provide medicine along with certain yogic exercises like Simhasan, Vajrasan, Shalabhasan, Sarvangasana. v. flax [alsi] seeds/shatavari are a source of plant estrogen which help make up for the hormonal imbalance in PCOS PS. Whole flaxseeds can pass virtually undigested through the human digestive system. This means that the body will not be able to absorb all these wonderful nutrients found in flaxseeds, this is why it’s important to grind flaxseeds in order to get the desired nutrition [so don't drink the water or swallow whole] vi. Fenugreek seeds induce contractions [in pregnancy], but because you are not pregnant but trying to conceive thus can certainly take it [as the extract is successfully used in lowering high blood glucose] Do revert back with your clarification(s). Dr. Munish Sood Consultant Physician Naimittika direct online link: