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Hi Doctor, Greetings ! I Am 27 Yrs, Married Women,

Posted on Sun, 30 Sep 2018
Question: Hi Doctor,

Greetings !

I am 27 Yrs, Married women, I had an anembryonic pregnancy in February due to which I had to abort the baby towards the end of the Month.

Post which I have started to gain weight and now iam 81 Kgs. I do not get sleep at night until 2:30 AM and thereby unable to wake up early in the morning.

Also, I feel tired and lethargic throughout the day and have started to lose my hairs.

Could you please guide me to get proper sleep at night , as I work from 2PM to 11PM shift and reach home by 12:00 - 12:10 AM , I want to sleep by 12:30 AM which is becoming impossible for me.

Please assist me on this.

Thank you
Answered by Dr. Munish Sood (35 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
further necessary information

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting with your health concern and after reviewing your case history, I'm of the following opinion:

1. Since you had an anembryonic pregnancy which resulted in an early miscarriage and although the reason is unknown but check with your attending OBG & GYN Doctor for any chromosomal abnormality. [ultrasonography included for any structural/metabolic anomaly]]

2. cause of weight gain [might have numerous possibilities]:

- due to depression [low-grade dysthymia] as a result of the loss of the baby, since depression can slow the metabolism inside your body resulting in inadequate metabolism and weight gain.

PS. One may check with a Psychologist for the diagnostic criteria.[ since insomnia and fatigue is there]

- secondly, as your sleep pattern is disturbed, feeling lethargic and losing hairs, check with your hemoglobin level, Thyroid Function test [for hypothyroidism], as it is the most common hormonal event after a miscarriage, till then preventive aspect which you can follow is/are:

1. AVOID caffeine found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, and some pain relievers
PS. [four to six hours before bedtime.]

2. PREFER quiet, dark, and cool environment which can help promote sound sleep.
PS. [Use heavy curtains, or an eye mask to block light, and also keeping computers, TVs, and other work materials out of the room will help promote mental bonding between your bedroom and sleep]

3. Avoid stressful, stimulating activities like doing work, discussing emotional issues.
PS. Physically and psychologically stressful activities can cause the body to secrete the stress hormone cortisol, which is associated with increasing alertness.

4. take dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime and avoid foods that cause indigestion. [spicy-heavy- junk food]

5. avoid afternoon napping to prevent late night awakening [ between 2-3 pm is ideal, but that too sitting on a chair while head resting on table]

6. looking at the clock in your bedroom, [when you are trying to fall asleep] can actually increase stress, making it harder to fall asleep. Turn your clock’s face away from you.

7. The principle is to have a well-balanced diet with more of proteins and more Calories with exercise, take more of cereals, legumes, daal egg, and eat fresh fruits regularly with sweet pulp like (banana, XXXXXXX chickoos, grapes)

8. take banana, black grapes, orange, spinach, ginger, tomatoes, curd, take diet rich in vitamin C (Citrus fruits) and vitamin E (sunflower seeds, almonds,apricots, peanuts) which are rich in anti oxidants
9. Lemon juice mixed with sugar in a glass of water helps release stress removing hormones from the body and bring mind at peace/rest.
10. Mix 4-5 dates in half glass of water and drink 2 times daily for a month.
. eat 2 spoon coriander seeds with 2 spoons of sugar candy
. rub castor oil on palms and feet.
. drink a juice of coriander leaves, water, and sugar.
. before retiring to bed wash your mouth, head, back of the neck, both ears and legs with cold water.
. make a paste of 'bhang' with cow/goat milk and massage on feet.
. take a glass of XXXXXXX milk at bedtime [best sleep inducer].

PS. I do prepare herbal medicine to relieve the Stress and induce sleep and also Medicine to tone up the uterus and increase fertility and help in conceiving, if interested let me know so that we can proceed further.

Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant Physician

direct online link:
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Answered by Dr. Munish Sood (30 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
will wait

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back

I'll be waiting to address your future queries and resolving any issue(s) related to health.

Dr. Munish

PS. You can contact me directly on my link: drmunishsood for any updates/ queries regarding your health problem
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Follow up: Dr. Munish Sood (8 minutes later)
Hi Dr. Munish,

That was a lot of information to me. Thank you Doctor for the detailed description.

on the further clarification - I have done my Thyroid Test where the results have come Negative.

I shall make up myself to follow all the above recommendations given by you.

Lastly on the medicines that you have mentioned in the last, I shall revert on it if I would want to proceed.

Best Regards
Priyanka Pradip
Answered by
Dr. Munish Sood

Ayurveda Specialist

Practicing since :2003

Answered : 3698 Questions


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Hi Doctor, Greetings ! I Am 27 Yrs, Married Women,

Brief Answer: further necessary information Detailed Answer: Dear Thanks for contacting with your health concern and after reviewing your case history, I'm of the following opinion: 1. Since you had an anembryonic pregnancy which resulted in an early miscarriage and although the reason is unknown but check with your attending OBG & GYN Doctor for any chromosomal abnormality. [ultrasonography included for any structural/metabolic anomaly]] 2. cause of weight gain [might have numerous possibilities]: - due to depression [low-grade dysthymia] as a result of the loss of the baby, since depression can slow the metabolism inside your body resulting in inadequate metabolism and weight gain. PS. One may check with a Psychologist for the diagnostic criteria.[ since insomnia and fatigue is there] - secondly, as your sleep pattern is disturbed, feeling lethargic and losing hairs, check with your hemoglobin level, Thyroid Function test [for hypothyroidism], as it is the most common hormonal event after a miscarriage, till then preventive aspect which you can follow is/are: 1. AVOID caffeine found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, and some pain relievers PS. [four to six hours before bedtime.] 2. PREFER quiet, dark, and cool environment which can help promote sound sleep. PS. [Use heavy curtains, or an eye mask to block light, and also keeping computers, TVs, and other work materials out of the room will help promote mental bonding between your bedroom and sleep] 3. Avoid stressful, stimulating activities like doing work, discussing emotional issues. PS. Physically and psychologically stressful activities can cause the body to secrete the stress hormone cortisol, which is associated with increasing alertness. 4. take dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime and avoid foods that cause indigestion. [spicy-heavy- junk food] 5. avoid afternoon napping to prevent late night awakening [ between 2-3 pm is ideal, but that too sitting on a chair while head resting on table] 6. looking at the clock in your bedroom, [when you are trying to fall asleep] can actually increase stress, making it harder to fall asleep. Turn your clock’s face away from you. 7. The principle is to have a well-balanced diet with more of proteins and more Calories with exercise, take more of cereals, legumes, daal egg, and eat fresh fruits regularly with sweet pulp like (banana, XXXXXXX chickoos, grapes) 8. take banana, black grapes, orange, spinach, ginger, tomatoes, curd, take diet rich in vitamin C (Citrus fruits) and vitamin E (sunflower seeds, almonds,apricots, peanuts) which are rich in anti oxidants 9. Lemon juice mixed with sugar in a glass of water helps release stress removing hormones from the body and bring mind at peace/rest. 10. Mix 4-5 dates in half glass of water and drink 2 times daily for a month. 11. . eat 2 spoon coriander seeds with 2 spoons of sugar candy . rub castor oil on palms and feet. . drink a juice of coriander leaves, water, and sugar. . before retiring to bed wash your mouth, head, back of the neck, both ears and legs with cold water. . make a paste of 'bhang' with cow/goat milk and massage on feet. . take a glass of XXXXXXX milk at bedtime [best sleep inducer]. PS. I do prepare herbal medicine to relieve the Stress and induce sleep and also Medicine to tone up the uterus and increase fertility and help in conceiving, if interested let me know so that we can proceed further. Dr. Munish Sood Consultant Physician Naimittika direct online link: