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Hi Doctor, My Baby Is Now 19month Old And She

Posted on Thu, 2 Jul 2020
Question: Hi Doctor,
My baby is now 19month old and she is not eating properly from past one week and i am breast feeding her, at home they are forcing me to stop feeding so she can eat other stuffs easily else she wont be eating, please advice on this issue, my pediatrician said to continue at least 2 years
Answered by Dr. Diptanshu Das (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Unless the child is lethargic you need not worry.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for using the Ask a Doctor service.

I have gone carefully through your query and understand your concern. The first thing that I would need to ask is whether the child is otherwise active. The second thing to ask is whether the child is having any cough, fever, diarrhea, or any other illness. Also, suggest if the urinary frequency is normal. Unless the child is lethargic you need not worry. If the child is lethargic you need to take her to a hospital and get her blood checked for CBC and CRP.

Let me know if I could help further.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Diptanshu Das (1 hour later)
No Cough/illness she's active but concern is she's not eating proper meals and need advice on breast feed do i need to stop so that she take proper meals on time and stay healthy like all other kids
Answered by Dr. Diptanshu Das (20 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Reduce day time breast feeding

Detailed Answer:
If she is active you need not worry. It seems that just by taking breastfeeding her hunger is satisfied and she does not need to take anything else. Reduce or omit day-time breast feeding and that should take care of the issue.

Note: For further queries related to your child health, Talk to a Pediatrician. Click here to Book a Consultation.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Answered by
Dr. Diptanshu Das


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Hi Doctor, My Baby Is Now 19month Old And She

Brief Answer: Unless the child is lethargic you need not worry. Detailed Answer: Thanks for using the Ask a Doctor service. I have gone carefully through your query and understand your concern. The first thing that I would need to ask is whether the child is otherwise active. The second thing to ask is whether the child is having any cough, fever, diarrhea, or any other illness. Also, suggest if the urinary frequency is normal. Unless the child is lethargic you need not worry. If the child is lethargic you need to take her to a hospital and get her blood checked for CBC and CRP. Let me know if I could help further. Regards