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Hi, I Am A Male In His Mid-30s. Today, After

Posted on Sat, 11 Jul 2020
Question: Hi, I am a male in his mid-30s. Today, after lunch I chewed some carom/caraway seeds. The mistake I made was that I put the raw seeds onto my tongue and kept there for 5-7 minutes before chewing them to extract the juice. The juice was extremely bitter. But as I was told by my XXXXXXX friend that it's good for digestion, I tolerated the bitterness.

The problem I am having now after 8 hours from lunch is that my tongue feels numb, to the point that I can't taste salt in foods. I can't really get the taste of anything due to the numbness. Whatever food I am eating, it tastes like there's no salt or sugar in it. Also, there's a slight burning feeling in my tongue. when I called my friend, he told me the carom seeds coming directly in contact with my tongue must have numbed the taste buds. He told me to not worry and that the tongue will heal itself in a few days. But I need expert's opinion as I have never experienced anything like this before.

So, what's the extent of the damage to the taste buds and how long will it take for the numbness to go away?
Answered by Dr. Vasudha (4 hours later)
Brief Answer:
It would take maximum 2 days to recover normally.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for using HCM doctor's service.I have read your query &understood your concern.
Carom &Caraway seeds you had ate orally ..are both very good for digestion. Also have antibiotic/ antifungal activity. they have antioxidents to prevent infection &also help in diabetes,constipation cough&cold .Are good for health in many ways.
Out of them Caraway is extreamly bitter to taste&Carom has a strong
punjunt taste. This strong punjunt taste can harm the tastebuds
by irritation ,inflammation & this can press on the nerve endings in the cause numbness for some time.
This should go in less than 2days maximum naturally.
* self help- You should eat bland &cold food.. in order to sooth the oral cavity.
-Apply Boroglycerine liquid to the tongue .three times in a sooth the buds.
-Maintain good oral hygiene ..&avoid infection in inflammed buds.
-Use soft brush or finger to clean mouth./keep on doing warm saline gargles.
It should go within few hours to a couple of days -depending on the amount of seeds you consumed.(normally a pinch of seeds is well tollerated..should be drank with warm water)
In case problem is not relieved or gets is something else than the such a case you need examination/investigations to find the cause. by consulting a Dentist.
I hope that answers your query..any follow up query I welcome.

Note: For more detailed guidance, please consult an Internal Medicine Specialist, with your latest reports. Click here..

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Vasudha

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :1970

Answered : 10398 Questions


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Hi, I Am A Male In His Mid-30s. Today, After

Brief Answer: It would take maximum 2 days to recover normally. Detailed Answer: Hi XXXXXXX Thanks for using HCM doctor's service.I have read your query &understood your concern. Carom &Caraway seeds you had ate orally ..are both very good for digestion. Also have antibiotic/ antifungal activity. they have antioxidents to prevent infection &also help in diabetes,constipation cough&cold .Are good for health in many ways. Out of them Caraway is extreamly bitter to taste&Carom has a strong punjunt taste. This strong punjunt taste can harm the tastebuds by irritation ,inflammation & this can press on the nerve endings in the cause numbness for some time. This should go in less than 2days maximum naturally. * self help- You should eat bland &cold food.. in order to sooth the oral cavity. -Apply Boroglycerine liquid to the tongue .three times in a sooth the buds. -Maintain good oral hygiene ..&avoid infection in inflammed buds. -Use soft brush or finger to clean mouth./keep on doing warm saline gargles. It should go within few hours to a couple of days -depending on the amount of seeds you consumed.(normally a pinch of seeds is well tollerated..should be drank with warm water) In case problem is not relieved or gets is something else than the such a case you need examination/investigations to find the cause. by consulting a Dentist. I hope that answers your query..any follow up query I welcome. Thanks.