
Hi, I Went To The Doctor On The 29th Of

Posted on Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Question: Hi, I went to the doctor on the 29th of January complaining of severe headache, body fatigue etc and at the urgent care they gave me a covid test that came back negative. He also gave me zpack because he felt I might have a sinus infection. Came Monday I still wasn't feeling the greatest, so I went to see my private doctor on Wednesday, and she did not take a covid test, but she did give me prednisone and another antibiotic to take. I started the antibiotic but not the prednisone. Last night I started for the first time having a really bad sore throat, so I decided today which is 2/5/22 to take a home covid test and it says, I'm positive. I have loose stool but not diarrhea, no fever as of now and I'm trying to find out what should I do...... I have had 1 Pfizer vaccine shot already and I'm due for my 2nd shot this week. What do I need to be watching or become alarm about? Should I go back to urgent care now and see if they can do something for me or what? I'm truly lost now... I do have high blood pressure, hypothyroidism and elevated blood sugars and cholesterol at times. My pulse is running really high at a resting period 111 I may be dehydrated because I've had no desire to drink.... My blood pressure was 116/84 pulse 111
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (19 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Hii. Welcome to the healthcare services. If you are not having any of the s

Detailed Answer:
Hii. Welcome to the healthcare services. If you are not having any of the symptoms like breathing difficulty, severe change in voice then no need for urgent hospital admission. You can take Tab Augmentin 1 gm twice daily for 1 week. Take Levocetrizine 5 mg at bedtime for 2 week. Do betadine gargle alternate with warm saline gargle. Drink more water preferably warm water. Take rest. No need to worry. Covid infection will subside by its own. No need to take Prednisone unless you are having breathing difficulty. Stay at home. most of the covid infection will subside by its own. Please review if you have any queries.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Saisudha Kotla
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (56 minutes later)
Dr. Basal, thank you for getting back to me. I have been very worried or I should say concerned about what I need to do before it's too late and then I'm not able to do nothing. I went to urgent care yesterday and they confirmed that I have covid. The only thing they said was go home rest and drink liquids that's all. I felt they really did not care. I explained to them my biggest concern was because I have preexisting conditions and covid attacking my internal organs and causing death. I am not fully vaccinated. I have only had 1 Pfizer shot and I'm due for my 2nd shot next week. So, I'm really not protected. Am I? With that being said how can even you say I'll be ok just rest etc?? The doctor gave me a medicine called CEFDINIR 300MG TWICE A DAY and told to take Tylenol around the clock to keep fever this a good antibioticto take or not? And, if this covid is a virus then how will any antibiotics help at all. I'm lost and I truly need help...... please my throat hurts really bad... my head is not hurting any longer. So I need to get a chest xray now? How much longer do you think I will be in danger zone? Also, I was given bromofed DM for cough..... please just carefully read this over before responding so I will know what I need to do.... thanks
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (3 hours later)
Can you please answer my question? I've been waiting for a response for over 3 hours. Thanks
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (10 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Hii. Don't worry. No need to panic. Just follow the medicines they have pre

Detailed Answer:
Hii. Don't worry. No need to panic. Just follow the medicines they have prescribed. There is no need to take chest x ray. Just stay home and take rest. Drink plenty of fluids. Do betadine gargle. Covid infection will subside by its own.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Saisudha Kotla
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (36 hours later)
My chest xray was clear. I just have a really bad headache that seems like it does not want to go away. Do you think Sotrovimab IV will stop the headaches and help me heal faster since I have high blood pressure, hypothyroidism and elevated cholesterol and prediabetes? What can or should I do? Please help. Thanks
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (11 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Hii. No need for any intravenous drug for headache. Take Paracetamol 1 gm t

Detailed Answer:
Hii. No need for any intravenous drug for headache. Take Paracetamol 1 gm tablet thrice daily for 2 days. Take steam inhalation. Apply nasoclear nose drop 3 drops thrice daily for 2 week. Headache will resolve slowly.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. LAKSHMI
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (45 hours later)
Doc, why would I visit the hospital especially if I'm slowly recovering. At this point do you think I'm still contagious or out of danger from having organ damage? I keep feeling those little zap like feeling in my chest area and the doctor thinks it could just be anxiety, but I'm not convinced of that. What should I be doing now to get on through this? What can I take to get the COVID out of my system faster? Is there a detox or anything? So at this point are you trying to tell me that I need to do the Sotrovimab IV procedure? When will I be able to get my 2nd Pfizer vaccine?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Hii. Covid is like other viral infection. So no need to panic. Drink plenty

Detailed Answer:
Hii. Covid is like other viral infection. So no need to panic. Drink plenty of fluids. Wait for 2-3 days. If there is any breathing difficulty you can get admitted. If you are having chest pain also then you should visit a hospital and do an ECG and Echocardiograom. Till then no need to take any intravenous drug.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (5 days later)
Dr. B, Good morning. Let me start off by saying, I am not trying to be NEGATIVE, but I have been through alot since 2/5/22 of contracting Covid. I'm just trying to be properly informed and stay as healthy as possible and not make my family sick in the process if that makes sense to you. I am actually feeling better but still have a few things of concern that I need to address. Right now, I am battling with still having kind of loose stools not diarrhea but not solid either. I need to know what I can do to have solid stools again?? Also, the pressure I was feeling in the chest, I do believe it was REFLUX because once I got my doctors to start me on Omeprazole 20 mg once a day the discomfort has subsided big time. They also gave me Methocarbamol 500mg to take 4 times a day for muscle spasm, but I have not started taking it yet. That medicine was given because I was having pain in the back middle of my shoulder blade area especially when I moved my arms forward, I could feel it. Do you think I should take it? Here's my main concern at the moment. My partner and I had covid at the same time but he is fully vaccinated and boostered and of course I only had 1 shot of Pfizer at the time when I got the virus but now, I'm concerned about being around him or sleeping in the same room/bed because of the concern of being reinfected. We both have negative tests now, but he is an avid traveling volleyball player who plays with all types of people, so I feel the risk is a high risk with him. That's how I think I got covid in the beginning from him. I was told from a friend that since we both had the virus, we now have the antibodies, but she said she thinks that the antibodies protect us only toward the Omicron variant we allegedly had and not any other strain. Is this correct? I'm not trying to worry but I do want to be as educated as I can be on what to do and what not to do moving forward to be as safe as possible. My son is in the home as well, but he is fully vaccinated and boostered but has heart problems as well. Is there any test or blood work that we can take to ensure we are where we need to be to lower my chance of becoming infected again or anything? I really don't know what to do?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (44 hours later)
Brief Answer:
There is no need for any test to do any covid test. There is no need to pan

Detailed Answer:
There is no need for any test to do any covid test. There is no need to panic. You stay calm. Stay at home. No need to isolate urself from others.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (39 hours later)
Dr. B, what do you mean there is no need to isolate from others? I really don't understand that comment at all. Do you not realize that BA-2 is on its way and it's more contagious than this darn Omicron I caught? Your extremely too relaxed for me about this. what can i do to raise my immune system as soon as possible?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Hii. Don't get panicked with covid infection. It will subside by own. You c

Detailed Answer:
Hii. Don't get panicked with covid infection. It will subside by own. You continue the medicine given to you by your doctor. No need to worry. If you are having any breathing difficulty, chest pain then only you need admission but otherwise you stay calm and stay at home.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (5 hours later)
You did not Answer my question in it's entirety. Plead read my total question and answer everything that I have asked you. Thanks
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (16 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Hii. There are new strains of covid infection. And there is no way to stop

Detailed Answer:
Hii. There are new strains of covid infection. And there is no way to stop it from infecting us. The only to prevent it is isolation. But how long u can isolate from ur loved ones. So stop panicking. To increase your immunity, you have to increase your physical exercise, yoga. Drink plenty of water. Avoid unnecessary medications. The newer strains are less powerful but they are contagious. They can infect too many people but the complications are very less and short living. It's the phase where ur body will boost up the immunity after this infection. So everything will be fine.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Saisudha Kotla
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (2 days later)
Dr. B, Good morning.
I'm still having the loose stool and I just can't seem to get rid of if no matter how much rice and beans etc I've been trying to eat. Can you please tell me what can I take to get my stools solid and not mushy again? Also, the Dr here told me not to take my 2nd vaccine yet because she wants to make sure that I'm not still having covid symptoms. I don't understand why all this wait because what happens if I catch covid again during this waiting period? News stations here are predicting the stealth omicron virus is coming to GA where I'm at and I'm worried that I'm not fully protected and could get sick again. I don't know what to do. I really need some Hardcore advise. Also, I'm still having some slight on and off headaches. I don't know if that could be a blood clot or something in my head because I got covid 2/5/22 and I still don't feel normal even now. And, I've noticed at night I've been sweating more than I was before so I'm concerned I might be reinfected now. I don't know. It's there XXXXXXX I can do now to find out our am I just panicking out what???? Thanks
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (25 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Hii. For loose stools start take Lactobacillus 1 capsule twice daily for 1

Detailed Answer:
Hii. For loose stools start take Lactobacillus 1 capsule twice daily for 1 week. This will help the gut to stop loose motions. Take Metronidazole 400 mg thrice daily for 5 days for loose motions. Do an ECG, Echocardiography. If you are having any covid symptoms like fever, loose stools then you should delay taking the covid vaccine 2nd vaccine as you are already affected with covid virus again,then there is no role of antibodies against it now. Check your ECG. You are panicking a lot. Follow the advice.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (13 hours later)
Dr. Basak,
I am so sick and tired of everyone telling me to calm down and to stop allowing my anxiety to take over. Well, first of all, I don't think it's all Anxiety! I was a very sick woman. I had COVID and I'm still not healed completely. I have questions yes; I do and what's wrong with having questions? I think when people or medical personnel are not sure how to answer a question for me, they start to blame everything on my ANXIETY...... WoW, what an excuse. I was told to start taking a really probiotic and that's what I'm planning tomorrow. Also, I was told to take some Imodium A-D. Today, I was told to go ahead and take the vaccine even though I have loose stool and still headaches on and off along with we think a little swollen lymph nodes on the left side of my cheek. I was told today that these symptoms could be residual long time covid and it makes no sense to wait to get the vaccine because I might be waiting for a long time for these symptoms to go away and that I should not be waiting that long without any protection for viruses and new variants. So, what do you not agree with or think about everything I'm saying? I'm in a very small town with small, minded people unfortunately. I have learned just because you may have gone to medical school doesn't always mean that you're the brightest bear in the room. If you know what I mean...... Thanks
Answered by Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak (4 days later)
Brief Answer:
Hii. Take the medications and probiotic they have prescribed to you. It wil

Detailed Answer:
Hii. Take the medications and probiotic they have prescribed to you. It will decrease the losse stools. You can take the vaccine if you don't have fever for last 1 month. We are telling you not to take stress and anxiety as we don't want you to suffer due to overthinking. Covid has made life stressful for so many people. So we don't want any people to suffer due to anxiety. You can ask questions whenever you want. You can ask as many questions as you want. We are here to satisfy you queries. But don't take any stress. Drink more water.
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Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Dr. Yogesh D
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Rajat Basak

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Hi, I Went To The Doctor On The 29th Of

Brief Answer: Hii. Welcome to the healthcare services. If you are not having any of the s Detailed Answer: Hii. Welcome to the healthcare services. If you are not having any of the symptoms like breathing difficulty, severe change in voice then no need for urgent hospital admission. You can take Tab Augmentin 1 gm twice daily for 1 week. Take Levocetrizine 5 mg at bedtime for 2 week. Do betadine gargle alternate with warm saline gargle. Drink more water preferably warm water. Take rest. No need to worry. Covid infection will subside by its own. No need to take Prednisone unless you are having breathing difficulty. Stay at home. most of the covid infection will subside by its own. Please review if you have any queries.