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Hi, Doctor. I Am A 62 Year Old Female Who

Posted on Sun, 12 Jan 2020
Question: Hi, doctor. I am a 62 year old female who has a history of having atypical forms of neuralgia. Past few months, I have this burning on the right side of throat and some ear discomfort. Checked by an ENT who saw nothing amiss. I just read about glossopharyngeal neuralgia and hope it's not that though symptoms seem to match up. I am also a long time smoker and wondering if this could be inflammation of some type in esophagus. My question is this - to try to mitigate this burning, I took a long Q-tip and dipped it in eugenol thinking it would numb the burning. Opposite happened - burning was unbearable. If this was neuralgia, would it react like that?
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (0 minute later)
Hi, doctor. I am a 62 year old female who has a history of having atypical forms of neuralgia. Past few months, I have this burning on the right side of throat and some ear discomfort. Checked by an ENT who saw nothing amiss. I just read about glossopharyngeal neuralgia and hope it's not that though symptoms seem to match up. I am also a long time smoker and wondering if this could be inflammation of some type in esophagus. My question is this - to try to mitigate this burning, I took a long Q-tip and dipped it in eugenol thinking it would numb the burning. Opposite happened - burning was unbearable. If this was neuralgia, would it react like that?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (8 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Eugenol application should improve glossopharyngheal neuralgia.

Detailed Answer:
Hello again.

I have read your query and here is my advice.

Eugenol is considered as a local anesthetic.

In case of glossopharyngheal neuralgia, on of the tests to evaluate it is application of local anesthetics that improve the pain.

So, if it was exacerbated by Eugenol, probably it is not glossopharyngheal neuralgia.

In the other hand, the pain may be exacerbated by touch of the pharynx.

Symptoms you have also are not typical for glossopharyngheal neuralgia.

So, an evaluation by a Gastrologyst is necessary to evaluate any inflammation of upper esophagus for example.

Hope you found the answer helpful.

Feel free to ask if you have further questions.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Eugenol application should improve glossopharyngheal neuralgia.

Detailed Answer:
Hello again.

I have read your query and here is my advice.

Eugenol is considered as a local anesthetic.

In case of glossopharyngheal neuralgia, on of the tests to evaluate it is application of local anesthetics that improve the pain.

So, if it was exacerbated by Eugenol, probably it is not glossopharyngheal neuralgia.

In the other hand, the pain may be exacerbated by touch of the pharynx.

Symptoms you have also are not typical for glossopharyngheal neuralgia.

So, an evaluation by a Gastrologyst is necessary to evaluate any inflammation of upper esophagus for example.

Hope you found the answer helpful.

Feel free to ask if you have further questions.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (6 hours later)
Hi, dr and thank you. Just wanted to clarify a bit more. For over 30 yrs, have had a neurological condition known as atypical odontalgia on upper right side in gum upper jaw area. It comes from excessive dental work where the nerves keep firing and I've had a test that shows I have slow neurons. The AO symptoms are a constant gnawing, dull ache but I've learned to live with it. These new symptoms are horrible and just wondering if u think they are related to the AO or mutually exclusive? To better describe it, it's on the right side, way back in the throat, almost adjacent to the ear and fluctuates between a pulsing type feeling and burning. Just one very small contained area in back of throat which radiates to ear. Throat also feels constricted there on the right - not painful to swallow but different from left. Does any of this lend itself to that gloss neuralgia, possibly related to AO (atypical odontalgia) or should I continue to explore medical reasons even though an ENT said all looked ok... Thanks so much
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (0 minute later)
Hi, dr and thank you. Just wanted to clarify a bit more. For over 30 yrs, have had a neurological condition known as atypical odontalgia on upper right side in gum upper jaw area. It comes from excessive dental work where the nerves keep firing and I've had a test that shows I have slow neurons. The AO symptoms are a constant gnawing, dull ache but I've learned to live with it. These new symptoms are horrible and just wondering if u think they are related to the AO or mutually exclusive? To better describe it, it's on the right side, way back in the throat, almost adjacent to the ear and fluctuates between a pulsing type feeling and burning. Just one very small contained area in back of throat which radiates to ear. Throat also feels constricted there on the right - not painful to swallow but different from left. Does any of this lend itself to that gloss neuralgia, possibly related to AO (atypical odontalgia) or should I continue to explore medical reasons even though an ENT said all looked ok... Thanks so much
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Seems not relation with AO.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.

Atypical odontalgia is confined only in the teeth or their sockets, and is not linked to any pharyngeal pain.

The location and the nature of the pain are different from atypical odontalgia, so, I think that in your case, further evaluation ( including imaging studies of the throat ) should be done in order to get a correct diagnosis.

Hope this helps.


Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Seems not relation with AO.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.

Atypical odontalgia is confined only in the teeth or their sockets, and is not linked to any pharyngeal pain.

The location and the nature of the pain are different from atypical odontalgia, so, I think that in your case, further evaluation ( including imaging studies of the throat ) should be done in order to get a correct diagnosis.

Hope this helps.


Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (34 hours later)
Hi, doctor. Yes, neurologist has ordered imaging to be done but that will take some time yet for insurance to clear, reading image, etc. In the meantime, this atypical odontalgia has gone off the chart in terms of the gnawing, aching between the teeth. I am very glad u are familiar with this type of neuralgia since I have seen two neurologists in my area who were not. In any event, I usually can keep it manageable but with the new symptoms in the throat and ear, the AO is almost unbearable. I have tried every med there is - Neurontin, Elavil, Cymbalta, Trileptal and 50 more as well as supplements as magnesium, alpha lip acid. All the meds do is make me dizzy and very little for pain. Two fold question since u seem so knowledgeable. Is there any procedure a neurologist can do on a cranial nerve for AO and also, would you know of any remedy to mitigate this constant aching pulling and gnawing in the gum and jaw?
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (0 minute later)
Hi, doctor. Yes, neurologist has ordered imaging to be done but that will take some time yet for insurance to clear, reading image, etc. In the meantime, this atypical odontalgia has gone off the chart in terms of the gnawing, aching between the teeth. I am very glad u are familiar with this type of neuralgia since I have seen two neurologists in my area who were not. In any event, I usually can keep it manageable but with the new symptoms in the throat and ear, the AO is almost unbearable. I have tried every med there is - Neurontin, Elavil, Cymbalta, Trileptal and 50 more as well as supplements as magnesium, alpha lip acid. All the meds do is make me dizzy and very little for pain. Two fold question since u seem so knowledgeable. Is there any procedure a neurologist can do on a cranial nerve for AO and also, would you know of any remedy to mitigate this constant aching pulling and gnawing in the gum and jaw?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (17 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Botulinum neurotoxin type A injection may be of help.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.

Besides pain itself ( neuropathic pain) after dental work, psychological elements are considered to play a role in atypical odontalgia.

Atypical odontalgia treatment includes antidepressants such as amitriptyline and in some cases atypical antipsychotics such as aripiprazole.

In refractory cases injection of botulinum toxin type A ( aiming terminal branches of the trigeminal nerve ) is found to be of benefit.

Discuss with your Doctor for these issues.

Hope I helped you.


Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Botulinum neurotoxin type A injection may be of help.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.

Besides pain itself ( neuropathic pain) after dental work, psychological elements are considered to play a role in atypical odontalgia.

Atypical odontalgia treatment includes antidepressants such as amitriptyline and in some cases atypical antipsychotics such as aripiprazole.

In refractory cases injection of botulinum toxin type A ( aiming terminal branches of the trigeminal nerve ) is found to be of benefit.

Discuss with your Doctor for these issues.

Hope I helped you.


Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (48 hours later)
Dr, thank u so much for your help, very insightful and yes, definitely a psychological factor involved. Two quick questions. I've lived with the AO for decades now but have kept it manageable. A few months ago I went for a lot of acupuncture (the ear, neck region to try to alleviate some of the atypical odon. symptoms). I think all I did was achieve an adverse effect since these new symptoms of the tingling aching in the throat, ear and jaw appeared only after the acupuncture. Just wanted to get your take on that, if u think irreversible damage was done. I definitely awakened something that may not have been dormant but is now unbearable. Here it is Christmas and the pain is horrible and I apologize so much for bothering you. Other question is about the injections u mentioned. Since I am almost sure imaging will show nothing amiss since I feel all of this is idiopathic - no injury, no trauma. If all this is due to nerves, is there a chance that an injection you mentioned may reduce the symptoms? Once again, thank you.
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (0 minute later)
Dr, thank u so much for your help, very insightful and yes, definitely a psychological factor involved. Two quick questions. I've lived with the AO for decades now but have kept it manageable. A few months ago I went for a lot of acupuncture (the ear, neck region to try to alleviate some of the atypical odon. symptoms). I think all I did was achieve an adverse effect since these new symptoms of the tingling aching in the throat, ear and jaw appeared only after the acupuncture. Just wanted to get your take on that, if u think irreversible damage was done. I definitely awakened something that may not have been dormant but is now unbearable. Here it is Christmas and the pain is horrible and I apologize so much for bothering you. Other question is about the injections u mentioned. Since I am almost sure imaging will show nothing amiss since I feel all of this is idiopathic - no injury, no trauma. If all this is due to nerves, is there a chance that an injection you mentioned may reduce the symptoms? Once again, thank you.
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (10 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Botulinum toxin injection may help with your symptoms.

Detailed Answer:
Hello again.

Acupuncture as other medical procedures may result in adverse effects.

However, these adverse effects, in general, are not permanent.

Botulinum toxin type A injection aims to improve your symptoms and its mechanism of action is guided towards the peripheral nerves, so, I think it may help you.

Hope this helps.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Botulinum toxin injection may help with your symptoms.

Detailed Answer:
Hello again.

Acupuncture as other medical procedures may result in adverse effects.

However, these adverse effects, in general, are not permanent.

Botulinum toxin type A injection aims to improve your symptoms and its mechanism of action is guided towards the peripheral nerves, so, I think it may help you.

Hope this helps.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (10 hours later)
Doctor, thank you for all the suggestions I will bring to my doctor once the holidays are over (his office is closed for 2 wks). I am hopeful for the injections you mentioned that may help since the meds don't agree with me.
Many many years ago when this atypical first started, I did have a Stellete Gaglion Nerve Block (4 actually, 2 were placebos, 2 actual). It did nothing to alleviate the dull aching. My question is this - do the injections u recommend differ from the procedure that was done many decades ago or are they similar?
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (0 minute later)
Doctor, thank you for all the suggestions I will bring to my doctor once the holidays are over (his office is closed for 2 wks). I am hopeful for the injections you mentioned that may help since the meds don't agree with me.
Many many years ago when this atypical first started, I did have a Stellete Gaglion Nerve Block (4 actually, 2 were placebos, 2 actual). It did nothing to alleviate the dull aching. My question is this - do the injections u recommend differ from the procedure that was done many decades ago or are they similar?
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (12 hours later)
Brief Answer:
These injections are different.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.

These injections differ from these done at the stellate ganglion, the botulinum toxin is injected locally.

Those that you had for the injection of stellate ganglion most likely were corticosteroids and local anesthetics.

Hope this helps.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Answered by Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
These injections are different.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.

These injections differ from these done at the stellate ganglion, the botulinum toxin is injected locally.

Those that you had for the injection of stellate ganglion most likely were corticosteroids and local anesthetics.

Hope this helps.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Erion Spaho

Neurologist, Surgical

Practicing since :2004

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Hi, Doctor. I Am A 62 Year Old Female Who

Hi, doctor. I am a 62 year old female who has a history of having atypical forms of neuralgia. Past few months, I have this burning on the right side of throat and some ear discomfort. Checked by an ENT who saw nothing amiss. I just read about glossopharyngeal neuralgia and hope it's not that though symptoms seem to match up. I am also a long time smoker and wondering if this could be inflammation of some type in esophagus. My question is this - to try to mitigate this burning, I took a long Q-tip and dipped it in eugenol thinking it would numb the burning. Opposite happened - burning was unbearable. If this was neuralgia, would it react like that?