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Hi Doctor, Of Late I've Been Feeling A Dull Pain/cramp

Posted on Sat, 16 Jul 2022
Question: Hi doctor, Of late I've been feeling a dull pain/cramp on the right side of my abdomen. Don't know which organ is located underneath; maybe a part of the large intestine. Not always but sometimes. The USG says I've Grade I fatty liver, while LFT shows everything to be normal. What could be the possible reason for this? FYI, I feel an urgency to defecate but can't and also the stool consistency is always of diarrhoea sort. Mucus spotting in stools has become a regular feature for me. Could you please help?
Answered by Dr. Ramesh Kumar (16 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Need few details.

Detailed Answer:
Hi dear and thank you for choosing "Ask a Doctor" service for your query,
Have seen your details and I appreciate your concerns,
Actually you have mentioned that problem is on right side.
Medically right side is divided into three equal parts.
So just see your abdomen in a mirror and divide your right side into three equal parts.
So obviously first one will be upper part.
Second would be the middle and third would be lower part.
Once done tell the area where you are having pain upper quadrant ,lower quadrant or middle one.
If still confused just google quadrants of abdomen.See the image and revert back with the location.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Ramesh Kumar (10 minutes later)
Hi doctor, the pain keeps moving from the top position to the lower. But mostly at the top and middle.
Answered by Dr. Ramesh Kumar (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Gastritis very likely with dysbiosis.

Detailed Answer:
Hi there,
Thank for follow up,
2 most likely cause of pain in the quadrant you have told is -
1) Gall bladder problem- Stone on gall bladder or any other pathology( but that would have been reflected in ultrasound..
2)Acid peptic disorder commonly called gastritis.

I would suggest you to follow bland diet for few days.
Don't use green or red chilli in food.
Take a course of probiotic like vsl#3 two times a day for 2 weeks .They would replete the gut flora( good bacteria in gut and help in food digestion and proper bowel moments along with it take Pantoprazole 40 mg two times a day.
Report back to me after 3 days the percentage of improvement you feel.
Eating bland food is necessary for medicine to work.
Follow up after 3-5 days.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Ramesh Kumar (12 hours later)
Thanks doctor, I'll take the meds and let you know. One thing doctor, is grade I fatty liver is something to be worried about?
Answered by Dr. Ramesh Kumar (31 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Follow up.

Detailed Answer:
Hi dear,
Not at all if you are above 30 years in age.
Or take alcohol/ Fast food.
Grade 1 is a normal ageing process.
Note: For further follow up on digestive issues share your reports here and Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Ramesh Kumar


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Hi Doctor, Of Late I've Been Feeling A Dull Pain/cramp

Brief Answer: Need few details. Detailed Answer: Hi dear and thank you for choosing "Ask a Doctor" service for your query, Have seen your details and I appreciate your concerns, Actually you have mentioned that problem is on right side. Medically right side is divided into three equal parts. So just see your abdomen in a mirror and divide your right side into three equal parts. So obviously first one will be upper part. Second would be the middle and third would be lower part. Once done tell the area where you are having pain upper quadrant ,lower quadrant or middle one. If still confused just google quadrants of abdomen.See the image and revert back with the location. Waiting.