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Hi Doctor, These Are My Test Results And Symptoms .

Posted on Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Question: Hi doctor, These are my test results and symptoms . Please advise what it could possibly be so I can check with the corresponding doctor .

Symptoms : Unusual sudden weight gain , back , joint pain , sore breasts , yellow breast discharge , UTI often , Acne issues

Blood work results : HIgh IGF1 ( GH suppression test - normal) , High testosterone , Hypoalbumenemia , High sugar , High diastolic blood pressure, Cortisol - normal , prolactin - normal. Estradiol - Normal ,
Follow up: Dr. Elona (5 hours later)
Hi DOctor , any update ?
Answered by Dr. Elona (34 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Thyroid panel?

Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your query and understood your concern.

Unusual sudden weight gain , back , joint pain , sore breasts and acne issues can be suggestive of hypothyroidism.

If you were my patient i will ask to do a thyroid panel(TSH,fT3,fT4 and TPO antibodes.

Hypothyroidism is often coexistent with high prolactin level.
In patients with primary hypothyroidism, increased levels of TRH can cause to rise prolactin levels and these patients may have galactorrhea or breast discharge.

So,your sore breasts and yellow breast discharge can be symptoms of high prolactin level.
For this reason ,i suggets to repeat the prolactin test.

Let me know the result and i will be happy to guide you further.

Best regards.

Note: For more information on hormonal imbalance symptoms or unmanaged diabetes with other comorbid conditions, get back to us & Consult with an Endocrinologist. Click here to book an appointment.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Elona


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Hi Doctor, These Are My Test Results And Symptoms .

Hi DOctor , any update ?