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Hi, What Does 1+ Result In Urinalysis Mean And All

Posted on Thu, 25 Jun 2020
Question: Hi, what does 1+ result in urinalysis mean and all other results are listed below
Leucocytes negative
Nitrate negative
Protein negative
Glucose negative
Ketones negative
Urobilinogen negative
Bilirubin negative
Blood negative
Color yellow
Appearance cloudy ( normal range clear or cloudy)
Epithelial cells 0-1
White cells 1-3
Casts none
Crystal's none
Bacteria 1+
Yeast cells none

Urine culture and sensitivity -
Routine culture 1. -- no significant growth

Complete blood count

White cell count - 8.7
Neutrophils % - 70.1
Lymphocytes% -22.0
Answered by Dr. Aaron Branch (15 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Bacteria in the urine

Detailed Answer:
Hello, I'm Dr. Branch, thanks for using 'Ask a Doctor'. A "1+" on a urinalysis indicates the amount on a scale from "1+" to "4+", so on your urinalysis, a small amount of bacteria was seen in the urine. However, there are no signs of infection on the urinalysis, as can be seen with the negative leukocytes and nitrite. So, as long as you didn't have any symptoms of a bladder infection, such as burning with urination, urinary frequency or urgency, this would be considered benign. Bacteria in the urine is somewhat common and in most cases has not been shown to cause any problems, the only exceptions would be if you were pregnant, or planning to have a procedure done that involved your kidneys or bladder.

However, if you are having symptoms, then this could be evidence of a bladder infection, in which case I would normally send the urine for culture and treat you with antibiotics.

I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any other questions about that, and I would be glad to discuss it with you further.
Note: Consult a Urologist online for consultation about prostate and bladder problems, sexual dysfunction, kidney stones, prostate enlargement, urinary incontinence, impotence and erectile dysfunction - Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Answered by
Dr. Aaron Branch

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2011

Answered : 1221 Questions


The User accepted the expert's answer

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Hi, What Does 1+ Result In Urinalysis Mean And All

Brief Answer: Bacteria in the urine Detailed Answer: Hello, I'm Dr. Branch, thanks for using 'Ask a Doctor'. A "1+" on a urinalysis indicates the amount on a scale from "1+" to "4+", so on your urinalysis, a small amount of bacteria was seen in the urine. However, there are no signs of infection on the urinalysis, as can be seen with the negative leukocytes and nitrite. So, as long as you didn't have any symptoms of a bladder infection, such as burning with urination, urinary frequency or urgency, this would be considered benign. Bacteria in the urine is somewhat common and in most cases has not been shown to cause any problems, the only exceptions would be if you were pregnant, or planning to have a procedure done that involved your kidneys or bladder. However, if you are having symptoms, then this could be evidence of a bladder infection, in which case I would normally send the urine for culture and treat you with antibiotics. I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any other questions about that, and I would be glad to discuss it with you further.