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How Can A Bump On The Labia Post Intercourse Be Treated?

Posted on Thu, 22 Dec 2016
Question: Hello I had sex with my significant other a week ago and he tore the skin between the vagina and the but also the bottom skin of the vagina...couple days later the cut has healed but it feels sore down there and it still hurts a little too touch it....I have what looks like a cyst on my left labia and when I sit down or walk it feels a if it is irritated...also my boyfriend got sore on his penis underneath the head but before the skin peels back...we were tested for hiv/aid and it's not that but they don't know what it could be...I just need a little help figuring it out...she tested herpes but results have not come back yet...I was thinking since I'm on depo it could be a yeast infection that I passed to him or I do also deutch...please let me know...also when he pees it does not burn more is it itchy but the sore is open and white...when I drink pop or juice it burns when I pee but when I drink water it doesn't burn t all
Answered by Dr. Soumya (41 minutes later)
Brief Answer:

Detailed Answer:

I understand your concerns.

This wound for both of you is probably due to the rough sex you had. This is not a STD.

Your wound has got infected and hence burns. This should heal in next 2 weeks.

I don't see any reason to worry. Wash the wound morning and evening with soap and water. Keep it dry.

You can consider starting antibiotics if don't see improvement in another week.Avoid sex for next 15 days.

Let me know if you need anymore help.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Soumya (33 minutes later)
Ok should I do anything in the mean time because it's sore down there and sometimes it's painful to walk and sit
Answered by Dr. Soumya (8 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Sit in warm salt, antiseptic water.

Detailed Answer:

Washing with soap and warm water for couple of days should help.

Sit in a small tub of warm water, salt and antiseptic for 10 minutes in morning and evening to reduce inflammation.

This will help with pain and swelling
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Soumya (9 minutes later)
Ok also it is starting to itch
Answered by Dr. Soumya (3 hours later)
Brief Answer:
it is healing

Detailed Answer:

Itching means its healing.

Follow the warm bath tub technique i told you.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Soumya (11 hours later)
I have recently seen today about 3 other bumps they are very small and don't hurt is that also from the bacteria
Also it does not itch anymore unless I sweat and it is easier for me to sit down and walk since I've taken the hot baths, but now it burns every time I pee...burning sensation is similar to a uti
Answered by Dr. Soumya (21 hours later)
Brief Answer:
UTI possible

Detailed Answer:

Good to know symptoms are reducing. This could be due to UTI.

You should drink more water, stay well hydrated. If still no relief in burning urination, please give urine sample for culture and sensitivity analysis. You can start an antibiotic after the urine report based on the sensitivity result.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Arnab Banerjee
Follow up: Dr. Soumya (1 hour later)
Thank you so much i went to the doctor and it was a uti and pelvic inflammatory disease but she thinks the bumps might be herpes...I hope not
Answered by Dr. Soumya (3 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Unlikely to be herpes

Detailed Answer:

I dont think it is herpes. Dont worry about it. This is not herpes.
Note: Revert back with your gynae reports to get a clear medical analysis by our expert Gynecologic Oncologist. Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Answered by
Dr. Soumya


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How Can A Bump On The Labia Post Intercourse Be Treated?

Brief Answer: Infection Detailed Answer: Hi, I understand your concerns. This wound for both of you is probably due to the rough sex you had. This is not a STD. Your wound has got infected and hence burns. This should heal in next 2 weeks. I don't see any reason to worry. Wash the wound morning and evening with soap and water. Keep it dry. You can consider starting antibiotics if don't see improvement in another week.Avoid sex for next 15 days. Let me know if you need anymore help. Regards