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How Can Pain In His Left Arm Persistent For A Month Be Treated?

Posted on Wed, 3 Apr 2024
Question: my husband has been experiencing pain in his left arm for approximately 1 month. he has a history of stroke, had a stent put in his heart in his aortic valve and currently has blood in his urine that has been occurring for about 2-3 months now. after suffering many medical problems for at minimum 9 years he went to a new PCP on Friday and has been referred to many specialists which will take time of course. If it does not appear life threatening the hospital sends him home. We are afraid for his life. Also some background he was a 9/11 first responder this info may help shed some light if anyone is familiar with the chemical exposure they suffered. What should we do. I am afraid he is having a heart attack or stroke
Answered by Dr. Sagar Makode (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Describe the nature of pain

Detailed Answer:


Firstly regarding his pain in arm, there can be multiple causes for the pain in left arm. Commonly, it occurs due to cervical spine problem. Does he have increase in pain on neck movements, is there any neck pain, any tingling, numbness, burning in arms, or history of neck trauma. If yes, it suggests cervical cause of pain. While cardiac pain usually occurs on exertion and relieves with rest. If it's heart attack then it can occurs at rest but usually a chest pain with radiation to left arm, sweating uneasiness etc. Also, stroke is unlikely to cause such recurrent pain in arm but rather leads to weakness. So unlikely to be stroke.
So from your description, it doesn't appear to be cardiac pain primarily.
Regarding his blood in urine, is he taking any blood thinners, which may cause this blood in urine. If he is taking then temporarily needs to be stopped. Otherwise, he ll need ultrasound of Kidney, urinary bladder to look for cause. Also, he should drink plenty of water to remove this blood.
Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts.
Note: For further queries related to coronary artery disease and prevention, click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Answered by
Dr. Sagar Makode


Practicing since :2013

Answered : 1867 Questions


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How Can Pain In His Left Arm Persistent For A Month Be Treated?

Brief Answer: Describe the nature of pain Detailed Answer: Hello, Firstly regarding his pain in arm, there can be multiple causes for the pain in left arm. Commonly, it occurs due to cervical spine problem. Does he have increase in pain on neck movements, is there any neck pain, any tingling, numbness, burning in arms, or history of neck trauma. If yes, it suggests cervical cause of pain. While cardiac pain usually occurs on exertion and relieves with rest. If it's heart attack then it can occurs at rest but usually a chest pain with radiation to left arm, sweating uneasiness etc. Also, stroke is unlikely to cause such recurrent pain in arm but rather leads to weakness. So unlikely to be stroke. So from your description, it doesn't appear to be cardiac pain primarily. Regarding his blood in urine, is he taking any blood thinners, which may cause this blood in urine. If he is taking then temporarily needs to be stopped. Otherwise, he ll need ultrasound of Kidney, urinary bladder to look for cause. Also, he should drink plenty of water to remove this blood. Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts.