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How To Alleviate Nausea And Headaches Caused Due To Tamiflu?

Posted on Thu, 19 Jul 2018
Question: I'm taking tamiflu and getting nausea and headaches. What can I take to alleviate the nausea and headaches?

Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (45 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
You should take antacid and anti emetic combination.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic.
I can understand your concern.
Tamiflu is having oseltamivir (anti viral).
This can cause gastritis which in turn causes nausea.
So take combination of antacid (pantoprazole) and anti emetic (domperidone) twice daily on empty stomach.
Headache is mostly due to viral infection. So drink plenty of fluids orally. Take sound sleep of 6-8 hours. Avoid stress and tension, be relax and calm.
Take paracetamol (500mg) twice daily.
Don't worry, you will be alright with all these in 2-3 days.
Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
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Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Answered by
Dr. Drkaushal85


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How To Alleviate Nausea And Headaches Caused Due To Tamiflu?

Brief Answer: You should take antacid and anti emetic combination. Detailed Answer: Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. Tamiflu is having oseltamivir (anti viral). This can cause gastritis which in turn causes nausea. So take combination of antacid (pantoprazole) and anti emetic (domperidone) twice daily on empty stomach. Headache is mostly due to viral infection. So drink plenty of fluids orally. Take sound sleep of 6-8 hours. Avoid stress and tension, be relax and calm. Take paracetamol (500mg) twice daily. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these in 2-3 days. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.