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I Am 2 Weeks Late (well 15 Days Now). All

Posted on Thu, 25 Aug 2022
Question: I am 2 weeks late (well 15 days now). All I've been is tired completely. Headaches a few.. Small and lite twinges or cramps... And no other symptoms am waiting till my next missed period 05/27 to do a test. I thought and my boyfriend thought I was going to start due to every time we have sex and there is a strong smell of iron usually a period is not to far behind... In this case no period... I still have a strong iron smell but no discharge or spotting or nothing.. Am just tired and small cramps...
Answered by Dr. Vaishalee Punj (45 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Delayed periods

Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to Ask A Doctor service.

You seem to be having symptoms of delayed periods. It is most likely due to some stress or sedentary lifestyle. Get a pregnancy test done to rule out pregnancy. It could be urine pregnancy test that can be done at home. Or it could be a blood pregnancy test that is done at a laboratory. Blood pregnancy test is more sure. Only after ruling out pregnancy, any further steps can be taken. Mostly in isolated episodes of delayed periods, the periods will happen by themselves.
Ask A Gynecologist for further guidance.

Dr Vaishalee
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Vaishalee Punj

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2003

Answered : 3271 Questions


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I Am 2 Weeks Late (well 15 Days Now). All

Brief Answer: Delayed periods Detailed Answer: Hello and welcome to Ask A Doctor service. You seem to be having symptoms of delayed periods. It is most likely due to some stress or sedentary lifestyle. Get a pregnancy test done to rule out pregnancy. It could be urine pregnancy test that can be done at home. Or it could be a blood pregnancy test that is done at a laboratory. Blood pregnancy test is more sure. Only after ruling out pregnancy, any further steps can be taken. Mostly in isolated episodes of delayed periods, the periods will happen by themselves. Ask A Gynecologist for further guidance. Regards Dr Vaishalee