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I Am A 46 Year Old Female. I Am Currently

Posted on Sat, 3 Sep 2022
Question: I am a 46 year old female. I am currently weeks late for my period. I have never been this late before. About 2 months a small ovarian cyst was found during an unrelated ct scan. It was reffered to as a hemoragic cyst. My gyno reviewed the scan and said that the cyst would most disappear on its own and was relted to my cycle. Could this cyst be the cause of my missing period? If not what could it be. Should I be overly concerned?
Follow up: Dr. Ramadevi Wani (7 minutes later)
two weeks late for my period
Answered by Dr. Ramadevi Wani (10 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Details below.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Ask a Doctor.
I am Dr Ramadevi Wani. I will be answering your concerns today.
At this age delayed periods is a common occurance due to decreasing ovarian function and is normal. This is not of concern.
It probably is not due to the cyst. You have not written the details about the cyst. So difficult to comment. If you upload the report, I can opine better.

Best wishes,
Dr Ramadevi Wani

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Saisudha Kotla
Follow up: Dr. Ramadevi Wani (37 hours later)
Thanks for the reply. I do not have access to my ct scan but my gyno looked it over herself and was not concerned at all. Is it normal to completely skip periods at this age. Also have noticed periods where my body feels as though it over heating along with periods of increased anxiety. Is this all hormone related? If so are there any natural remedies to reduce symptoms?
Answered by Dr. Ramadevi Wani (7 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Details below.

Detailed Answer:
welcome back.
Yes, it is completely normal to skip periods at this age.
As regards ovarian cyst, probably it is insignificant since your Gyno has already reassured you.

Yes, the periods of anxiety and increased heat are all due to estrogen hormonal deficiency. Try using phytoestrogens like soy proteins. Yoga also helps.

I hope I have answered your concerns.
Best wishes,
Dr Ramadevi wani
Note: Revert back with your gynae reports to get a clear medical analysis by our expert Gynecologic Oncologist. Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Saisudha Kotla
Answered by
Dr. Ramadevi Wani


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I Am A 46 Year Old Female. I Am Currently

two weeks late for my period