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I Am A 46 Year Old Female. I Am On

Posted on Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Question: I am a 46 year old female. I am on day 10 of having covid. I have had one vaccine and tool paxlovid. My initila symptoms of sore throat, headache and body aches have gone. I am still experiencing random night sweats along with fatigue and a clogged up sensation in head/ears. Is thsi typical for ten days out. How can I speed up recovery?
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
See details below.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear welcome to Ask a doctor's service.
I read your query and here is my advice.

Having symptoms of fatigue, night sweats and clogged ears and head are normal at 10 day of covid19. The fatigue and night sweats may last even for weeks after .
I think you may take your time to recover. Taking decongestants such pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine may help reduce congestion.
Rinsing nose with saline water may be helpful to reduce congestion. You can also use vitamins D, C and zinc to help recovery.
Drinking more water and being hydrated is also helpful.

Hope I have answered the question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (39 minutes later)
should I be overly concerned of symptoms worsening at this point. The anxiety is also greatlt affecting me. Also how effective is paxlovid at reducing severity?
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (15 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
See details below.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear and thank you for asking again.
I don't think you should be overly concerned because you are having mild symptoms. Anxiety is also a symptom of COVID-19 which affects most of the people having this infection.
Opening the windows to let fresh air come in, being well hydrated can help you cope with it.
Paxlovid is very effective on reducing severity of the symptoms especially if used as soon as possible after diagnosis.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (31 minutes later)
Thanks one last question can the fatigue be intense just taking a shower wipes me out. Once again thanks for your help
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (4 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
That fatigue is common.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear and thank you for asking again.
Being that fatigued is quite common and normal during and after covid19. You may be so fatigued to complete the normal everyday tasks but it will gradually come back to normal and you may need to be patient and give your body time to recover.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (2 hours later)
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (28 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Most welcome.

Detailed Answer:
You are welcome.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Follow up: Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (42 minutes later)
One last question I swear I have also noticied an increase in resting heart rate I am usually in low 80s I have now been in low 90's is this also typical?
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (23 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
It is typical of covid19

Detailed Answer:
An increased heart rate is also typical of covid19 and anxiety may also contribute to it.
If it is 90 it is in upper limit but it is still lower than 100 BPM is still within normal range.
I think it will gradually go back to normal.
Note: For more detailed guidance, please consult an Internal Medicine Specialist, with your latest reports. Click here..

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Answered by
Dr. Olgeta Xhufka

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2011

Answered : 10156 Questions


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I Am A 46 Year Old Female. I Am On

Brief Answer: See details below. Detailed Answer: Hello dear welcome to Ask a doctor's service. I read your query and here is my advice. Having symptoms of fatigue, night sweats and clogged ears and head are normal at 10 day of covid19. The fatigue and night sweats may last even for weeks after . I think you may take your time to recover. Taking decongestants such pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine may help reduce congestion. Rinsing nose with saline water may be helpful to reduce congestion. You can also use vitamins D, C and zinc to help recovery. Drinking more water and being hydrated is also helpful. Hope I have answered the question. Let me know if I can assist you further.