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I Have Had A Pain In My Lower Abdomen For

Posted on Sun, 5 Jul 2020
Question: I have had a pain in my lower abdomen for nearly 18months plus extreme back cramps going all the way up and around to the front of my back, the whole night. The cramps do not go away until I move and get out of bed and then they disappear. However, the pain my abdomen is always there but bearable until I walk too far, or stand too long. If I walk then the pain gets really bad and I,cannot lift my leg. I feel a stretching sensation down the inner leg and my leg and ankle feels very tight. It makes me feel sick. I have amytriplene for night time which helps but as soon as it wears off, the cramps are there. This has been every single night. I have seen a urology specialist and had all the urine tests. I have had the bowel scan. I have had a Abdominal CT with contrast. I have had an ultra sound of the groin. I have had MRI on my neck and MRI on my thoracic spine.
I have had normal xray of my hips.
Nothing has been found. I am now waiting to see a orthapaedic clinic but that will be a few months wait.
Is this the correct clinic to go to? I dont know what to do at the moment as I cannot do anything without this pain.
I do not have back pain or sciatica. No numbness in leg. Just pain, tightening, stretching, pulling feeling going down my inner leg from my abdomen. My abdomen feels like it is bruised and like a permanent stich feeling.
Answered by Dr. Ramesh Kumar (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Yes you need to consult an orthopedics.

Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for choosing "Ask a Doctor" service for your query.
Have seen your details and I appreciate your concerns,
Definitely yes you need orthopedics speciality.
Very like a Lumbo sacral mri would be done to rule out possibility with disc problem.
Sciatica has various types of presentation.Classical presentation is not always necessary.
Has a leg raise test been performed on you ever?
I you were my patient I would have given you a muscle relaxant along with Gabapentin low dose for minimum of 4 weeks.
Along with it you should try to avoid any stretching/Exercise or any rigorous activity.
Bye the way what are medications you have tried till date please name them.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. Ramesh Kumar (24 minutes later)
Yes I do have Gabapentin but inly a low dose as it makes me feel sleepy. I have to work but I am unable to stabd very long and cannot walk very far. The pain is exgausting me too. I work for myself so I cannot sit all day but its getting to the point where any amount if walking which is further than my drive, produces pain and then its difficult to get into my car. I actually feel physically sick with it and when it was in the cold months and tried to watch my daughter play netball, I nearly passed out. The waiting list for orthopaedics is months now because of the virus but I am really suffering now. I only weigh 8 and half stone so I know my weight is fine. I havent had any stretch tests or anything other than to see if I was numb on my feet with a pin or something.
So I may pay to go see someone privately then. I just didnt want to pay and be in the wrong type of clinic
Follow up: Dr. Ramesh Kumar (16 minutes later)
Sorry Just to add, it is only on my left side and I can pinpoint the area of the abdomen pain to quite near my groin but more on the abdomen but the stretching sensation goes from this point down the inner part of my leg. I have been on these pills for a year now and although the night time ones have helped. Theres no help in the day
Answered by Dr. Ramesh Kumar (40 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Follow up.

Detailed Answer:
Hi dear,
As the pain involves a part of your abdomen and radiates to thigh to rule out infection I would suggest you to go for a simple test called Complete blood count. Total and differencial count may be increased if there is an infection in abdomen. You could visit any nearest lab for the same. If the test is normal Orthopedics is the best branch for you for further consultation.
Thank you!

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Follow up: Dr. Ramesh Kumar (16 minutes later)
Thank you so much.
You have given me more help than I have received so far. I will also ask my GP for a muscle relaxant too.
Many of these tests I,have had to pay for myself because I just wasnt getting any help.
Thank you enormously
Answered by Dr. Ramesh Kumar (8 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Follow up.

Detailed Answer:
Thank you and regards.
CBC would cost you around 10-30 dollars.
Hope I was helpful.
Do rate the answer and follow up with reports.
Note: For further follow up on digestive issues share your reports here and Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Answered by
Dr. Ramesh Kumar


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I Have Had A Pain In My Lower Abdomen For

Brief Answer: Yes you need to consult an orthopedics. Detailed Answer: Hello and thank you for choosing "Ask a Doctor" service for your query. Have seen your details and I appreciate your concerns, Definitely yes you need orthopedics speciality. Very like a Lumbo sacral mri would be done to rule out possibility with disc problem. Sciatica has various types of presentation.Classical presentation is not always necessary. Has a leg raise test been performed on you ever? I you were my patient I would have given you a muscle relaxant along with Gabapentin low dose for minimum of 4 weeks. Along with it you should try to avoid any stretching/Exercise or any rigorous activity. Bye the way what are medications you have tried till date please name them. Waiting!