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I Have Several Abscessed Teeth That Have Needed Extractions For

Posted on Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Question: I have several abscessed teeth that have needed extractions for several years. I was hospitalized due to this issue causing severe swelling of my face back in 2019. I have been saving for implants which is why I have not taken care of this problem yet, and instead was taking antibiotics when needed. I think the infection has spread to other parts of my body, and I'm worried things are getting worse. How do i request getting IV antibiotic treatment before going in for extractions? Also, is there a strong antibiotic I could be prescribed now before getting into the dentist. I don't want to wait any longer but I don't want to be seen without clearing up this infection first. I have also developed a cough lasting over one month, as well as excess sinus pressure and thick mucus. The chest tightening and shortness of breath are what worries me as well. I really think my entire body may be suffering from this.
Answered by Dr. Vasudha (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Detailed answer below.

Detailed Answer:
HI Threrestflower,
Thanks for the query.I understand your concern.
I was really sorry to read your question..
It narrated how a misunderstanding can lead to negligence turning in severe health problem.
Still don't worry...there are solutions for each problem in medical fraternity .Its good that you have realized the thing &are eager to sort it out.
I would suggest a consultation of a general physian...&get all relevant investigations, including blood sugar that he advises.Treatment of your sinus&chest problem should start earliest...under care of a chest physician /ENT specialist as per need.
Treatment would consist of antibiotic ,which will help your teeth too .You have to take complete course of medicines &also continue to follow dental hygiene &have a strong body with normal Haemoglobin &blood sugar are needful for starting to treat your dental problem.
Once you find some relief...consult a dentist .Show him your prescription papers..He will examine you get x rays of teeth done.&he will plan your extractions in consultation with your physician. If needful.
An over all health along with control of all the infections will give proper time for extractions.&it would definitely help you.
I hope that helps.
Any follow up query is welcome

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. LAKSHMI
Follow up: Dr. Vasudha (8 hours later)
Is there an antibiotic you could prescribe until I am able to get in with my doctor next week?
Answered by Dr. Vasudha (11 hours later)
Brief Answer:
I have suggested few things you need

Detailed Answer:
HI Therarestflower,
Thanks for the follow up query.
Actually it's not proper to prescribe on virtual basis. Antibiotics are to be advised depending on general health,
weight of the patient & severity of disease & any allergies.
Any way if I was to advise, I would have preferred to advise after testing culture & sensitivity test of pathogen. Reading about your present complaints I would suggest Tab Azithromycin, Tab.Ibugesic, Tab Cynarest tab. Montelukast ...according physical symptoms...till you meet your doctor.
* You have to consult available doctor for doses of the medications & prescription.
*Most important is self care as follows..
-Hot saline gargle after each feed
- Vapor inhalation,
-Drinking warm water only.
-Avoiding sour, cold spicy food .Have freshly prepared bland & nourishing food.
I hope that helps.
Any more information you want, don't hesitate to write. Please grade the answer before to close the query.

Note: Find out which dental treatment will work best for your teeth. Ask here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Saisudha Kotla
Answered by
Dr. Vasudha

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :1970

Answered : 10398 Questions


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I Have Several Abscessed Teeth That Have Needed Extractions For

Brief Answer: Detailed answer below. Detailed Answer: HI Threrestflower, Thanks for the query.I understand your concern. I was really sorry to read your question.. It narrated how a misunderstanding can lead to negligence turning in severe health problem. Still don't worry...there are solutions for each problem in medical fraternity .Its good that you have realized the thing &are eager to sort it out. I would suggest a consultation of a general physian...&get all relevant investigations, including blood sugar that he advises.Treatment of your sinus&chest problem should start earliest...under care of a chest physician /ENT specialist as per need. Treatment would consist of antibiotic ,which will help your teeth too .You have to take complete course of medicines &also continue to follow dental hygiene &have a strong body with normal Haemoglobin &blood sugar are needful for starting to treat your dental problem. Once you find some relief...consult a dentist .Show him your prescription papers..He will examine you get x rays of teeth done.&he will plan your extractions in consultation with your physician. If needful. An over all health along with control of all the infections will give proper time for extractions.&it would definitely help you. I hope that helps. Any follow up query is welcome Thanks