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I Received My Echo Results Yesterday After Being Tested To

Posted on Fri, 3 Jul 2020
Question: I received my echo results yesterday after being tested to rule out a heart problem. I have been ill with many varied symptoms after 4-5 months and no doctor know can pinpoint what’s wrong with me. The report says:
Impaired grade 1 LV diastolic filling pattern
Mildly dilated left atrium
Trace mitral regurgitation
Estimated PSAP is 19mm (assuming right atrial pressure of 5mm)
Everything was fine on the right side and thickness, structure, aorta, etc was normal for all chambers. My stress test : hypertensive response 205/95

I’ve had an ICG to measure heart beat and body blood pressure,I think that’s what it’s for - results were different pressures through the body.

I have gradually become ill in November 2019 after developing blisters on arms after 10 days of foster kitten scratches Then 3 weeks later taking bactrim and clindamycin bc I was told it was a staph infection (no cultures on healed blisters done). I reacted poorly to the antibiotics and had side effects: tingling arms/hands, limb weakness, anxiety, oral thrush, canker sores, stomach and thigh rash. Since then I have severe gastrointestinal problems (pain, belching, bloating, acid reflux, disintegrating stools) that has caused me to lose 26 lbs in 6 months because I can’t eat much. I also have Gradually dropping blood pressure that after 18 years on 10 mgs 1xday I am not taking any bp meds now. And it is not the weight loss, my blood pressure began to drop in January 2020 and when I was at my higher weight. Now I cannot take my asthma inhaler nor nasal decongestants bc surprisingly my blood pressure drops within 15 mins! I have fatigue, weak arms from elbow down, legs from knee down, burning soles, splotchy tingly hands with slightly redder fingertips, headaches, sinus pain, red eye vessels, arm rash, “emptiness” feeling in my head in certain positions, nausea, increased amount of blue veins, joint stiffness, and body vibrations. I’ve tested negative for Lyme, celiac, h pylori, C-diff, rheumatoid, lupus, and allergens (except dust mites). My head And abdominal CT scan was normal. All blood work is consistently normal except I’m been running on lower end of electrolytes and IGA is 508 (<400). Heart blood work and every EKG is normal.. What is wrong with me????? I wish I was back in November 2019, when I just worried about my asthma and high blood pressure.
Answered by Dr. Bhanu Partap (7 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Please refer to the detailed answer below

Detailed Answer:
Hello Sir

After reviewing the medical query raised by you the first thing i would like to tell you is that your systolic blood pressure is significantly high (>200) which is a sort of medical emergency requiring direct medical supervision.

If you are having trouble with BP medications then its advisable to get an ambulatory blood pressure monitoring done so that the bp fluctuation pattern can be identified and then your bp meds can be adjusted accordingly so that it wont fall below desired levels.

Rest of your symptoms are quite variable and probably will require a detailed physical medical examination in person along with certain investigations by a doctor. So its advisable to meet you GP and get yourself evaluated accordingly.

Hope to have been helpful.

Kind Regards
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Bhanu Partap (7 hours later)
I have seen many specialists, gone to ER, Urgent care, and still no diagnosis. The 200 plus bp was during a treadmill stress test and cardiologist said it XXXXXXX a little quicker than he would like. What are your thoughts on my echocardiogram and day I need to worry? And illness would cause my most my symptoms, especially my blood pressure to gradually drop in six months (117/79 P67)? I was fine in November 2019.
Answered by Dr. Bhanu Partap (15 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Hello again

Detailed Answer:
See all your blood test reports and other cardiac work out came normal. Your echocardiogram report is also pretty alright except for some age related changes.

Regarding your fall in blood pressure this do happen in quite some patients after starting antihypertensive medication for a while. So I don’t see any obvious cardiac cause to worry for. However you need need to keep a watch on your bp readings as medication need to be started if it goes beyond 140/80mmhg.

Kind Regards
Note: For further queries related to coronary artery disease and prevention, click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Answered by
Dr. Bhanu Partap


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I Received My Echo Results Yesterday After Being Tested To

Brief Answer: Please refer to the detailed answer below Detailed Answer: Hello Sir After reviewing the medical query raised by you the first thing i would like to tell you is that your systolic blood pressure is significantly high (>200) which is a sort of medical emergency requiring direct medical supervision. If you are having trouble with BP medications then its advisable to get an ambulatory blood pressure monitoring done so that the bp fluctuation pattern can be identified and then your bp meds can be adjusted accordingly so that it wont fall below desired levels. Rest of your symptoms are quite variable and probably will require a detailed physical medical examination in person along with certain investigations by a doctor. So its advisable to meet you GP and get yourself evaluated accordingly. Hope to have been helpful. Kind Regards