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I’ve Been Having Frequent Urinating And Irritation In My Penis.

Posted on Sun, 4 Apr 2021
Question: I’ve been having frequent urinating and irritation in my penis. I’m in Michigan and seems impossible to get an appointment with a urologist. I had what I thought was my first UTI in August and after 5 days of Bactrim it went away. Then after 90 days I got the exact same symptoms but was on 30 days of Bactrim and it hasn’t went away.

I had a CT scan WITHOUT CONTRAST a few months ago at the ER. And a few days ago I had a bladder and kidney ultrasound The report I received stated, Non contrast CT states “Left Peripelvic Renal Cysts are present” Ultrasound states the size, which seems to be oval? I do not have a primary doctor, I have been looking online and trying to figure out what that meant and what they were. I seen where it said Perapelvic and Peripelvic cysts were rare and not often seen on a scan unless they are huge. I seen on another website that they are they are one of two kidney cysts found on routine scans. The ER doctor didn’t mention them at all, I only knew about it when I read the radiology report for the scan. I read there are simple ones and complex ones etc. I’m just confused. I’m wondering what Perapelvic or Peripelvic cysts are and if I should be worried and trying to schedule another scan somewhere or something. Also, the scan without contrast said the kidneys were a normal size. I’ve also been concerned that the scan may not have been accurate seeing they didn’t use contrast. I guess I’m trying to figure out what my symptoms could be from and if I need to be worried about this cyst or if it is a simple cyst. I’m 37 Male I have attached the CT and ultrasound report.
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (0 minute later)
I’ve been having frequent urinating and irritation in my penis. I’m in Michigan and seems impossible to get an appointment with a urologist. I had what I thought was my first UTI in August and after 5 days of Bactrim it went away. Then after 90 days I got the exact same symptoms but was on 30 days of Bactrim and it hasn’t went away.

I had a CT scan WITHOUT CONTRAST a few months ago at the ER. And a few days ago I had a bladder and kidney ultrasound The report I received stated, Non contrast CT states “Left Peripelvic Renal Cysts are present” Ultrasound states the size, which seems to be oval? I do not have a primary doctor, I have been looking online and trying to figure out what that meant and what they were. I seen where it said Perapelvic and Peripelvic cysts were rare and not often seen on a scan unless they are huge. I seen on another website that they are they are one of two kidney cysts found on routine scans. The ER doctor didn’t mention them at all, I only knew about it when I read the radiology report for the scan. I read there are simple ones and complex ones etc. I’m just confused. I’m wondering what Perapelvic or Peripelvic cysts are and if I should be worried and trying to schedule another scan somewhere or something. Also, the scan without contrast said the kidneys were a normal size. I’ve also been concerned that the scan may not have been accurate seeing they didn’t use contrast. I guess I’m trying to figure out what my symptoms could be from and if I need to be worried about this cyst or if it is a simple cyst. I’m 37 Male I have attached the CT and ultrasound report.
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (6 hours later)
Brief Answer:
These are simple Renal Cysts present since birth and need not worry at all.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query .
Based on the facts that you have posted you have been facing problem of frequent urination and burning in penis since Aug and your CT Scan has revealed simple peripelvic cysts in left kidney.Renal Cysts are always congenital in origin and they are always benign cysts and do not require any treatment unless they suddenly increase in size as detected on follow up Ultrasound Scan or CT Scan .or they get infected .

There is nothing to be worried about the cysts that have been detcted in left kidney .

As regards your problem of frequent urination and burning in penis it is most likely to be due to Chronic Prostatitis and needs following investigations
1) Semen examination and Semen Culture. Urine Routine examination and Culture.
2) Microscopic Examination of a discharge obtained after doing Prostate Massage .

This will help to confirm the diagnosis and to take appropriate antibiotics as per sensitivity report .

In the mean time start taking Doxicycline twice daily, later on switch on to appropriate antibiotic as per culture report.

Ensure to drink more water ..

Practice sex or masturbation twice a week to discharge (Ejaculate ) all the prostatic secretions .

Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
These are simple Renal Cysts present since birth and need not worry at all.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query .
Based on the facts that you have posted you have been facing problem of frequent urination and burning in penis since Aug and your CT Scan has revealed simple peripelvic cysts in left kidney.Renal Cysts are always congenital in origin and they are always benign cysts and do not require any treatment unless they suddenly increase in size as detected on follow up Ultrasound Scan or CT Scan .or they get infected .

There is nothing to be worried about the cysts that have been detcted in left kidney .

As regards your problem of frequent urination and burning in penis it is most likely to be due to Chronic Prostatitis and needs following investigations
1) Semen examination and Semen Culture. Urine Routine examination and Culture.
2) Microscopic Examination of a discharge obtained after doing Prostate Massage .

This will help to confirm the diagnosis and to take appropriate antibiotics as per sensitivity report .

In the mean time start taking Doxicycline twice daily, later on switch on to appropriate antibiotic as per culture report.

Ensure to drink more water ..

Practice sex or masturbation twice a week to discharge (Ejaculate ) all the prostatic secretions .

Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (1 hour later)
Thanks for your response,

On the written reports, would they have noted if the cyst looked suspicious or complexed and required more investigations? I assume that would be the job of the radiologist to do?

I also noticed that the cyst had 3 measurements I’m assuming it’s oval but not sure where the third measurement comes in to play. Is the size of the cyst concerning at all? I think it’s around 2.25” x 1.5”

On the prostatitis type symptoms, do you think they are related to the first bout of symptoms in August that were exactly the same but went away after 5 days of Bactrim? Then I was symptom free for about 90 days and they returned and Bactrim wouldn’t work that time. The frequent urinating is constant every day but, I’ve recently been having on and off mild pain/pressure in pelvic area and behind testies, but they only last an hour or so at a time. Also after I urinate it sometimes feels like I still have urine moving in my urethra even though it’s not dripping out. The clear discharge only happened a few times over the entire time.

Could the first easily treated infection have caused a chronic infection then? Could it have caused a non bacterial prostatitis?

Do these symptoms possibly sound like bladder or prostate cancer?

Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (0 minute later)
Thanks for your response,

On the written reports, would they have noted if the cyst looked suspicious or complexed and required more investigations? I assume that would be the job of the radiologist to do?

I also noticed that the cyst had 3 measurements I’m assuming it’s oval but not sure where the third measurement comes in to play. Is the size of the cyst concerning at all? I think it’s around 2.25” x 1.5”

On the prostatitis type symptoms, do you think they are related to the first bout of symptoms in August that were exactly the same but went away after 5 days of Bactrim? Then I was symptom free for about 90 days and they returned and Bactrim wouldn’t work that time. The frequent urinating is constant every day but, I’ve recently been having on and off mild pain/pressure in pelvic area and behind testies, but they only last an hour or so at a time. Also after I urinate it sometimes feels like I still have urine moving in my urethra even though it’s not dripping out. The clear discharge only happened a few times over the entire time.

Could the first easily treated infection have caused a chronic infection then? Could it have caused a non bacterial prostatitis?

Do these symptoms possibly sound like bladder or prostate cancer?

Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Non bacterial prostatitis can be ruled out on Semen culture

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up
Radiologist usually mention positive findings. Since these cysts are simple and benign he has not mentioned other details. The size of the cysts are irrelevant when they are simple.

As regards Your symptoms like pain in perineal region and lower abdomen it suggest symptoms are due to prostatitis.

Non bacterial prostatitis can be confirmed only on negative findings of Semen and urethral discharge.

Do not think of bladder cancer

Thanks and Regards
Dr Patil
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Non bacterial prostatitis can be ruled out on Semen culture

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up
Radiologist usually mention positive findings. Since these cysts are simple and benign he has not mentioned other details. The size of the cysts are irrelevant when they are simple.

As regards Your symptoms like pain in perineal region and lower abdomen it suggest symptoms are due to prostatitis.

Non bacterial prostatitis can be confirmed only on negative findings of Semen and urethral discharge.

Do not think of bladder cancer

Thanks and Regards
Dr Patil
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (6 hours later)
Thanks. Prostate cancer would cause these symptoms?

Would prostate have been seen somewhat on the non contrast ct and bladder ultrasound?
Follow up: Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (0 minute later)
Thanks. Prostate cancer would cause these symptoms?

Would prostate have been seen somewhat on the non contrast ct and bladder ultrasound?
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Symptoms due to Prostatitis and cancer can be similar

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up
Chronic Prostatitis and Cancer of prostate can have identical symptoms like frequency, poor stream, urgency and pain in perineal region.

Information about prostate is always mentioned in Ultrasound study of abdomen which is missing in your report. You have to ask the concerned Radiologist for omitting it in report.

Thanks and Regards
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (0 minute later)
Brief Answer:
Symptoms due to Prostatitis and cancer can be similar

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up
Chronic Prostatitis and Cancer of prostate can have identical symptoms like frequency, poor stream, urgency and pain in perineal region.

Information about prostate is always mentioned in Ultrasound study of abdomen which is missing in your report. You have to ask the concerned Radiologist for omitting it in report.

Thanks and Regards
Note: Consult a Urologist online for consultation about prostate and bladder problems, sexual dysfunction, kidney stones, prostate enlargement, urinary incontinence, impotence and erectile dysfunction - Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil


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I’ve Been Having Frequent Urinating And Irritation In My Penis.

I’ve been having frequent urinating and irritation in my penis. I’m in Michigan and seems impossible to get an appointment with a urologist. I had what I thought was my first UTI in August and after 5 days of Bactrim it went away. Then after 90 days I got the exact same symptoms but was on 30 days of Bactrim and it hasn’t went away. I had a CT scan WITHOUT CONTRAST a few months ago at the ER. And a few days ago I had a bladder and kidney ultrasound The report I received stated, Non contrast CT states “Left Peripelvic Renal Cysts are present” Ultrasound states the size, which seems to be oval? I do not have a primary doctor, I have been looking online and trying to figure out what that meant and what they were. I seen where it said Perapelvic and Peripelvic cysts were rare and not often seen on a scan unless they are huge. I seen on another website that they are they are one of two kidney cysts found on routine scans. The ER doctor didn’t mention them at all, I only knew about it when I read the radiology report for the scan. I read there are simple ones and complex ones etc. I’m just confused. I’m wondering what Perapelvic or Peripelvic cysts are and if I should be worried and trying to schedule another scan somewhere or something. Also, the scan without contrast said the kidneys were a normal size. I’ve also been concerned that the scan may not have been accurate seeing they didn’t use contrast. I guess I’m trying to figure out what my symptoms could be from and if I need to be worried about this cyst or if it is a simple cyst. I’m 37 Male I have attached the CT and ultrasound report.