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My Echo Report Says Normal LVSF, No RWMA, LVH+, No

Posted on Mon, 29 Jun 2020
Question: My Echo report says Normal LVSF, No RWMA, LVH+, No PAH. Can you please advise what its stand for
Answered by Dr. Sagar Makode (52 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Its left ventricular hypertrophy

Detailed Answer:
Normal left ventricular systolic function (Normal LVSF), which is heart pumping capacity and its normal.
No RWMA (No regional wall motion abnormalities), which is again normal. RWMA seen if there are significant blockages in heart arteries.
LVH means left ventricular hypertrophy which means thickening of heart walls, which is usually seen due to high blood pressure. This is not worrisome, just blood pressure needs to be controlled.
No PAH stands for no pulmonary artery hypertension which means pressure on the right side of heart is normal, which is again normal finding.
So only abnormal finding is LVH or left ventricular hypertrophy, which is usually not worrisome issue.
Now according to summary attached, there is no mention of high blood pressure, but its possible that its rising intermittently so not picked up. so you should frequently check BP especially at home and if its elevated then needs medications. If blood remains absolutely normal then its may an error during calculation on echo, but in that case you should get echo repeated after 6 month to 1 year to confirm.
Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts.
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Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Yogesh D
Answered by
Dr. Sagar Makode


Practicing since :2013

Answered : 1867 Questions


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My Echo Report Says Normal LVSF, No RWMA, LVH+, No

Brief Answer: Its left ventricular hypertrophy Detailed Answer: Hello, Normal left ventricular systolic function (Normal LVSF), which is heart pumping capacity and its normal. No RWMA (No regional wall motion abnormalities), which is again normal. RWMA seen if there are significant blockages in heart arteries. LVH means left ventricular hypertrophy which means thickening of heart walls, which is usually seen due to high blood pressure. This is not worrisome, just blood pressure needs to be controlled. No PAH stands for no pulmonary artery hypertension which means pressure on the right side of heart is normal, which is again normal finding. So only abnormal finding is LVH or left ventricular hypertrophy, which is usually not worrisome issue. Now according to summary attached, there is no mention of high blood pressure, but its possible that its rising intermittently so not picked up. so you should frequently check BP especially at home and if its elevated then needs medications. If blood remains absolutely normal then its may an error during calculation on echo, but in that case you should get echo repeated after 6 month to 1 year to confirm. Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts.