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My Last Period Was On April 28th .... I Haven’t

Posted on Sat, 4 Jul 2020
Question: My last period was on April 28th .... I haven’t had my period since then . I’ve been experiencing fatigue , light headness , increased anxiety , I’ve been getting tired more easily, constantly having to pee , cramping near my uterus and on and off weird feeling above my belly button . My period the past 6 months has been regular and I take vitamin c supplements , Biotin , Zinic , perscription aderall and Lexapro . I took 2 at home pregnancy test in the last two weeks and both came out negative . I took a blood pregnancy test today and it still came out negative . Is it possible I could still be pregnant or something else ? I haven’t felt like this before .
Answered by Dr. Olgeta Xhufka (46 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Not related to pregnancy.

Detailed Answer:
Hello dear, welcome to Ask a doctor's service.
I read your query and here is my advice.
I don't think you can be pregnant having two home pregnancy test and one blood test negative.
I think you are having delayed period possible due to hormone imbalance.
Stress and anxiety also can contribute to irregular periods.
You didn't mention your age but being around 50 is much common to have irregular periods due to premenopause.
I think doing an ultrasound may be needed to evaluate you.

Hope I have answered the question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Note: For further follow up on related General & Family Physician Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Answered by
Dr. Olgeta Xhufka

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2011

Answered : 10156 Questions


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My Last Period Was On April 28th .... I Haven’t

Brief Answer: Not related to pregnancy. Detailed Answer: Hello dear, welcome to Ask a doctor's service. I read your query and here is my advice. I don't think you can be pregnant having two home pregnancy test and one blood test negative. I think you are having delayed period possible due to hormone imbalance. Stress and anxiety also can contribute to irregular periods. You didn't mention your age but being around 50 is much common to have irregular periods due to premenopause. I think doing an ultrasound may be needed to evaluate you. Hope I have answered the question. Let me know if I can assist you further.