Please Give An Advise On Why Am Getting This Problem Every Time Having Severe Cold And Nose Blocking Which Makes Tough To Breath?
Probably suffering from Allergic Rhinitis
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your query.
Possibly you might be suffering from Allergic Rhinitis.(Inflammation in nose due to Allergy).
You are taking tablet: Telekast -L.
It is a mixture of Antiallergic medicine.
At present,your main concern is nasal blockage and mucus collection.
You may find relief by taking following medicines:
1.Any medicine like Tablet Lecope-AD containing Antiallergic (like Levocetrizine), decongestant (phenylephrine),Mucolytic(Ambroxol).
Take for 5 days.
You can take decongestant tablet only if you are not suffering from hypertension.
If you are taking above combination medicine,then stop taking Tablet: Telekast -L.
2.Decongestant nasal spray like Otrivin Nasal spray,two times a day for 5-7 days.
3.Saline Nasal spray,three times a day.
Continue steam inhalation.
Drink warm fluids.
Use of mask during going out and in pollution areas.
Avoid eating cold and sweet foods.
Follow up if needed.