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RBC 1--2 Hpf, WBC 2-4 Hpf, Epithelial 1-2 Hpf, No Crystals, Nil Albumin, Serum Creatinine 0.7 Mg/dl, Hb 14.7

Posted on Wed, 23 May 2012
Question: Hi Doctor,
My 9 years old son has got a blood test, cbc and urine analysis done recently. The report seems nomal. However I see 1-2 hpf of RBC count, 2-4 hpf of WBC count, 1-2 hpf Epithethial, No Casts/Crystals in urine microscopic report. There is NIL Albumin/Protein in the urine report. Also, serum creatinine in blood is 0.7 mg/dl (within the range for children i.e. 0.3 to 0.7 as per mod jaffe). Rest of the report looks normal except for high Haemoglobin levels of 14.7 against normal value of 13.
I got the tests done to check my son's kidney function as a routine examination. Do see the report to be normal or there is any cause to worry from Kidney or Urine function perspective?
Answered by Dr. Naveen Kumar Nanjasetty (2 hours later)
Hello Mr. Kumar

Thanks for the query

The urine report does show minor alterations in the counts. The presence of few Red Blood Corpuscles (RBC) and White Blood Corpuscles (WBC) and epithelial cells goes in favor of the urinary tract infection and as there are no casts or crystals the renal stones are unlikely.

The Hemoglobin levels are in the upper limit of the normal range, no need to worry much about it.

Regarding urine analysis, it requires a close follow–up and repetition of the same after a few weeks. Encourage your child to drink plenty of water, which will reduce the acidic nature of the urine and prevent infection.

Hope I have answered your query, if you have any more doubts you are welcome.

Dr. Naveen Kumar
Note: For further queries related to kidney problems and comprehensive renal care, talk to a Nephrologist. Click here to Book a Consultation.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Raju A.T
Answered by
Dr. Naveen Kumar Nanjasetty

Otolaryngologist / ENT Specialist

Practicing since :2001

Answered : 2544 Questions


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RBC 1--2 Hpf, WBC 2-4 Hpf, Epithelial 1-2 Hpf, No Crystals, Nil Albumin, Serum Creatinine 0.7 Mg/dl, Hb 14.7

Hello Mr. Kumar

Thanks for the query

The urine report does show minor alterations in the counts. The presence of few Red Blood Corpuscles (RBC) and White Blood Corpuscles (WBC) and epithelial cells goes in favor of the urinary tract infection and as there are no casts or crystals the renal stones are unlikely.

The Hemoglobin levels are in the upper limit of the normal range, no need to worry much about it.

Regarding urine analysis, it requires a close follow–up and repetition of the same after a few weeks. Encourage your child to drink plenty of water, which will reduce the acidic nature of the urine and prevent infection.

Hope I have answered your query, if you have any more doubts you are welcome.

Dr. Naveen Kumar