Should I Be Worried About After Having Oral Sex With Unknown ?
Wash with povidone iodine few times a day and follows as below
Detailed Answer:
Hi dear ,
Please ensure these tests are done RPR or VDRL,HIV,HBsAg,Latex test and Elisa test for Neisseria and chlamydia [If purulent discharge comes then microbiological examination and gram stain test can tell about cause of inflamed Penis tip ] Swab from penis tip.
These tests will tell exact cause [Wash with povidone iodine and after some time with water and continue treatment as recommended by your physician [Amoxycillin Clavulanate is choice of antibiotic in your case ] also CBT Therapy to avoid sex with unknown as it can effect your health or Art of living workshop known OMBW is good
Hope this helps ,Please let me know If i can assist you further
Do swab test from urethra, !
Detailed Answer:
Hi dear
Swab test from urethra for gram staining and culture can help in diagnosis and also send me reports of all the tests you mention above
Hope this helps, let me know if I can assist further
I will ask Doctor again to swab. They have not swabbed me as they say there is nothing present to swab.
Yes, they will take care
Detailed Answer:
Hi dear
Yes, Swab test results to be followed and send your reports of all tests to me
Thanks for consulting online .