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Sometimes After Sitting For Long Time When I Get Up

Posted on Thu, 23 Jun 2022
Question: Sometimes after sitting for long time when I get up I feel diziness and sometimes blurry visions and also get exhausted after little physical activities like climbing stairs.

Please tell me the cause as well as solution for my problem
Answered by Dr. LAKSHMI (2 days later)
Brief Answer:
Kindly read below

Detailed Answer:
Hi ,
Thank you for reaching out at Ask A Doctor,
I have read your query and understood your concern
I would require more details such as age ,gender ,any h/o XXXXXXX issues ,any pervious hospitalization, recent h/o infection?. Until then I would recommend a blood investigation such as CBC, vitamin D profile ,RFT.LFT and Urine R/E to rule out deficiency . Kindly revert back
Note: For more detailed guidance, please consult an Internal Medicine Specialist, with your latest reports. Click here..

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. LAKSHMI
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General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2013

Answered : 274 Questions


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Sometimes After Sitting For Long Time When I Get Up

Brief Answer: Kindly read below Detailed Answer: Hi , Thank you for reaching out at Ask A Doctor, I have read your query and understood your concern I would require more details such as age ,gender ,any h/o XXXXXXX issues ,any pervious hospitalization, recent h/o infection?. Until then I would recommend a blood investigation such as CBC, vitamin D profile ,RFT.LFT and Urine R/E to rule out deficiency . Kindly revert back Regards Dr XXXXXXX