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Suggest Treatment For Bleeding From The Urethra After Using Vibrator

Posted on Mon, 20 Feb 2017
Question: I had used your Smooth Vibrating Urethral Sound- Male Vibrator last night. I left it in boiling water for about 5 minutes. When it cooled down I used it without lube because I did not have Surgilube. I used it a few times and noticed was a little bit of blood on the device so I stopped using it. When I ejaculated, it had a little bit of blood stained  was present on the device. Afterwards, when I urinated, I noticed a small amount of blood come out before the urine came out. This morning the same thing happened. I think the amount of blood is decreasing. Right now I am not in pain. Do you think the small amount of blood coming out will continue to subside?


Answered by Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil (5 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Bleeding is due to trivial injury to urethra

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query .

The bleeding from urethra after using Penile Vibrator without lubricant is mostly due to trivial injury caused to urethra during masturbation.

Do not worry it will get resolved within 4-5 days .

Ensure to drink more water .

Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Brief Answer:
O.K Bye

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .

All these devices used for sexual pleasure are dangerous and may cause disaster complications .

Avoid using them

Thanks and Regards.
Note: Consult a Urologist online for consultation about prostate and bladder problems, sexual dysfunction, kidney stones, prostate enlargement, urinary incontinence, impotence and erectile dysfunction - Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Dr. P. T. Patil


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Suggest Treatment For Bleeding From The Urethra After Using Vibrator

Brief Answer: Bleeding is due to trivial injury to urethra Detailed Answer: Hello Thanks for query . The bleeding from urethra after using Penile Vibrator without lubricant is mostly due to trivial injury caused to urethra during masturbation. Do not worry it will get resolved within 4-5 days . Ensure to drink more water . Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,I shall be happy to help you Thanks and Regards. Dr.Patil. Brief Answer: O.K Bye Detailed Answer: Hello Thanks for follow up . All these devices used for sexual pleasure are dangerous and may cause disaster complications . Avoid using them Thanks and Regards. Dr,Patil.