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Suggest Treatment For Chicken Pox Scars On Body

Posted on Wed, 11 Jun 2014
Question: Chicken pox and acne scars on body.
Answered by Dr. Munish Sood (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
Prevention and Management

Detailed Answer:

Thanks for contacting Ayurveda with your health query, and following points need to be taken into consideration:

1. The patient is infectious from 1 to 2 days before the appearance of rash to 5 days after, [since 1 month is over now, hopefully you are infection free] BUT in Immunocompromised patients, the skin lesions may remain infectious for longer period [also since you were examined and given medicine for the same by your Doctor he/she must have ruled out the same]
2. Although permanent scars are rare unless secondarily infected, check with your Physician to rule out the same. [will require symptomatic management and maintenance of hygiene]
3. use a good sunscreen for sun protection which will prevent the uneven tone of the scars .
4. stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet [fresh fruits and vegetables], avoid oily/deep fried food,Sugar (in any form), caffeine,cheese, oily-spicy-dry-fried food, chocolates,cakes,iodized salt, soft drinks.
5. In Aurveda we manage the disease on the line of 'Laghu Masurika'
. Nimbapatra kalka [neem decoction] for external application. This prevents residual marks.
. bathe with water boiled with neem leaves.
. take leaves of XXXXXXX akhrot ki chhal [walnut peel, you can get it from local grocery shop] and mustard seeds & crush them in water and mix with home made butter [makhan] and massage on the body. [it helps to minimize/fade away the scars].. tried and tested home remedy.
. take diet rich in vitamin C [orange,amla, grape fruits,lemons] which help boost your immune system.

. In the mean time just wash your face with Besan and XXXXXXX warm water (best natural bleaching agent),removing excess sebum and dead skin cells, likewise Neem,acts as a deep cleanser.
. to get proper result, you are suggested to use any cream for 3 to 4 months
. silk cotton tree thorn paste :
Ingredients:-big thorns of silk cotton tree, milk
Method of preparation:-rub thorns briskly and circularly on grinding stone (available in XXXXXXX stores or temples) sprinkling milk at intervals. The paste start accumulating on grinding stone as the process continues. Collect the paste so formed and apply it as a face pack. This removes PIMPLES and their marks.
. You may ask for medicated lepa like:
i. Gloface lepa (Jark pharma)
ii. Acnil lepa(Punarvasu pharma.

Do revert back for any clarifications/concerns

Dr. Munish Sood
Note: Deal with your health issues naturally by getting closer to Ayurveda. click here to learn more.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj
Answered by
Dr. Munish Sood

Ayurveda Specialist

Practicing since :2003

Answered : 3698 Questions


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Suggest Treatment For Chicken Pox Scars On Body

Brief Answer: Prevention and Management Detailed Answer: Dear XXXXXXX Thanks for contacting Ayurveda with your health query, and following points need to be taken into consideration: 1. The patient is infectious from 1 to 2 days before the appearance of rash to 5 days after, [since 1 month is over now, hopefully you are infection free] BUT in Immunocompromised patients, the skin lesions may remain infectious for longer period [also since you were examined and given medicine for the same by your Doctor he/she must have ruled out the same] 2. Although permanent scars are rare unless secondarily infected, check with your Physician to rule out the same. [will require symptomatic management and maintenance of hygiene] 3. use a good sunscreen for sun protection which will prevent the uneven tone of the scars . 4. stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet [fresh fruits and vegetables], avoid oily/deep fried food,Sugar (in any form), caffeine,cheese, oily-spicy-dry-fried food, chocolates,cakes,iodized salt, soft drinks. 5. In Aurveda we manage the disease on the line of 'Laghu Masurika' . Nimbapatra kalka [neem decoction] for external application. This prevents residual marks. . bathe with water boiled with neem leaves. . take leaves of XXXXXXX akhrot ki chhal [walnut peel, you can get it from local grocery shop] and mustard seeds & crush them in water and mix with home made butter [makhan] and massage on the body. [it helps to minimize/fade away the scars].. tried and tested home remedy. . take diet rich in vitamin C [orange,amla, grape fruits,lemons] which help boost your immune system. PS. . In the mean time just wash your face with Besan and XXXXXXX warm water (best natural bleaching agent),removing excess sebum and dead skin cells, likewise Neem,acts as a deep cleanser. . to get proper result, you are suggested to use any cream for 3 to 4 months . silk cotton tree thorn paste : Ingredients:-big thorns of silk cotton tree, milk Method of preparation:-rub thorns briskly and circularly on grinding stone (available in XXXXXXX stores or temples) sprinkling milk at intervals. The paste start accumulating on grinding stone as the process continues. Collect the paste so formed and apply it as a face pack. This removes PIMPLES and their marks. . You may ask for medicated lepa like: i. Gloface lepa (Jark pharma) ii. Acnil lepa(Punarvasu pharma. Do revert back for any clarifications/concerns Dr. Munish Sood Naimittika