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Suggest Treatment For Chronic Diarrhea, Nausea And Acid Reflux

Posted on Wed, 26 Apr 2017
Question: Hi,

I have been experiencing the following symptoms:

-Chronic diarrhea- at least two years. (It'll go on for weeks, clear up for about a week, and then start up again).
-Major acid reflux (about 6 months)

Recent (Past week)
-Loss of appetite (no solids for 6 days). Was able to eat a little bit yesterday.
-Severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
-Acid so strong that it burned my throat and tongue. It caused a split/cut in the center of my tongue, blisters all around the edges of my tongue and a brownish coating on top of my tongue.

-I take Armour 1/2 grain for thyroid
-I am in menopause and did a BioTe injection on October 2016 (which should have worn off by now, but I don't really know)
-Other than that, no other meds.

I'm a white female, age 43.

My question is should I be concerned about the acid reflux and tongue. I've never experienced anything like this before.

Thank you!


Answered by Dr. Ramesh Kumar (50 minutes later)
Brief Answer:

Detailed Answer:
Hi Dear,
Thanks for choosing HealthcareMagic for your query.
Have gone through your details and appreciate your concern.

As per the detailed history given by you most likely you are having Irritable bowel syndrome with overlapping Gastritis,esophageal spasm and Gastro esophageal reflux. Yes should be concerned about these new symptoms and should go for through investigations.Dyspepsia can be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Dyspepsia can also be a sign of a stomach ulcer or gastritis, an inflammation of the lining of your stomach.Severe reflux of the acid back into food pipe is causing burning sensation in tongue and food pipe.Dyspepsia is also one of the symptoms of Irritable bowel syndome.

Tests strongly suggested
Upper G.I endoscopy to rule out any erosion of esophageal mucosa or XXXXXXX esophagus or ulcers.

Treatment suggested-
Over the counter Antacids are just the first line medicines so if they are not relieving you a number of other options are there. Please discuss them with your primary consultant.
So suggestions are:

- Firstly I would suggest you to start taking Nexium(Esomeprazole). Initially take it 40mg twice daily, However if not relieved doses can be increased to 80mg twice a day.

-Domperidone- Very effective in treating reflux not controlled by PPI's especially when combined with Rabeprazole/Esomeprazole.30mg slow release dose can be taken daily.

.Strict adherence to the diet suggested below is required along with medications-
-Eat simple,Natural and organic.
-Take a low fat easily digestible food.
-Eat a lot of raw salads esp. vegetables.
-No alcohol or smoking.
-No aerated beverages or soda.
-No alcohol or smoking.
-Avoid meat or processed food.-Avoid cheese, Dairy, cream Milk etc.
-Take a lot's of yogurt in food
-Avoid spicy or fast food(No pizza or Burger).-If possible try vegans diet in dinner and normal diet in lunch.-Drink at least 8 cups of water everyday.-avoid all fruits which are citrus.Avoid orange or pineapple juice.-Eat 1 cups of fruit like banana daily.
-Drink one glass of cold milk daily half hour before meals.Milk being an alkali neutralize acid.

I hope i answered your query well,In case of any other query feel free to ask.


Note: For further follow up on digestive issues share your reports here and Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Answered by
Dr. Ramesh Kumar


Practicing since :1986

Answered : 2911 Questions


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Suggest Treatment For Chronic Diarrhea, Nausea And Acid Reflux

Brief Answer: Dyspepsia. Detailed Answer: Hi Dear, Thanks for choosing HealthcareMagic for your query. Have gone through your details and appreciate your concern. As per the detailed history given by you most likely you are having Irritable bowel syndrome with overlapping Gastritis,esophageal spasm and Gastro esophageal reflux. Yes should be concerned about these new symptoms and should go for through investigations.Dyspepsia can be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Dyspepsia can also be a sign of a stomach ulcer or gastritis, an inflammation of the lining of your stomach.Severe reflux of the acid back into food pipe is causing burning sensation in tongue and food pipe.Dyspepsia is also one of the symptoms of Irritable bowel syndome. Tests strongly suggested Upper G.I endoscopy to rule out any erosion of esophageal mucosa or XXXXXXX esophagus or ulcers. Treatment suggested- Over the counter Antacids are just the first line medicines so if they are not relieving you a number of other options are there. Please discuss them with your primary consultant. So suggestions are: - Firstly I would suggest you to start taking Nexium(Esomeprazole). Initially take it 40mg twice daily, However if not relieved doses can be increased to 80mg twice a day. -Domperidone- Very effective in treating reflux not controlled by PPI's especially when combined with Rabeprazole/Esomeprazole.30mg slow release dose can be taken daily. .Strict adherence to the diet suggested below is required along with medications- -Eat simple,Natural and organic. -Take a low fat easily digestible food. -Eat a lot of raw salads esp. vegetables. -No alcohol or smoking. -No aerated beverages or soda. -No alcohol or smoking. -Avoid meat or processed food.-Avoid cheese, Dairy, cream Milk etc. -Take a lot's of yogurt in food -Avoid spicy or fast food(No pizza or Burger).-If possible try vegans diet in dinner and normal diet in lunch.-Drink at least 8 cups of water everyday.-avoid all fruits which are citrus.Avoid orange or pineapple juice.-Eat 1 cups of fruit like banana daily. -Drink one glass of cold milk daily half hour before meals.Milk being an alkali neutralize acid. I hope i answered your query well,In case of any other query feel free to ask. Regards.