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Suggest Treatment For Cynophobia

Posted on Tue, 21 Feb 2017
Question: I affraid I have scratch in my leg but I am not sure from where it scratch comes

Actually I am afraid from dog

I already take 2 full dose of rabis and another 3injection previous year August 2016

All are take injection according to doubt

Please help me actually I am afraid from dog

Answered by Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary (37 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
This could be health anxiety disorder

Detailed Answer:
Dear Anjan Patra,
Thanks for using Healthcaremagic.

I read your query and understand your concerns.

First I like to inform you that scratch can come from excoriation which is produced when you have itching and scratch vigorously. Regarding itching it can be derived from simple insect bite to some other disease process as simple as dryness of skin in winter months.

Now regarding fear of dog bite I feel there is some subconscious fear which is developing all these symptoms. This often happens when some dog has bitten you in childhood, or may be parents used fear of dog which got ingrained in your thought process and many other similar reasons.

Due to these subconscious thought processes you may have developed a disorder called as health anxiety which is characterized by fear of serious illness despite no evidence or evidence in contrary.

I must assure you that the problem can be treated with both psychotherapy and medications. When it is too severe there may need for combination of both medications and psychotherapy.

As per my personal experience the disorder is difficult to treat but not impossible to treat.

The disorder is best treated by a team od psychologist and psychiatrist. I request you to see nearby mental health professional without delay.

I hope this answers you and addresses your concerns.
If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you.
If not, you may close the discussion and if possible you may rate the answer for my future patients.
In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below mentioned link:
Thanks and regards.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary (11 minutes later)
So sir what I do tell me regarding the doses

2 years back I take already 2 full dosed rabipur consultant with doctor again previous year 29.07.2016 again I take 3injection consultant with doctor

If dog scratches if I not take rabipur then ?????

Please sir help me
Answered by Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary (39 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
No more dose provided no dog scratches

Detailed Answer:
Dear Patra,
Thanks for reverting back to me.

In case there is no further dog bite you do not need any injections.

In case there is dog bite you need to observe the dog for 10 days and complete three injection on day 0, 3 and 7.

In case you have pet dog get immunized the dog and there is no need for further injection if your own pet dog scratches.

I hope this clarifies further.
Thanks again.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary (9 minutes later)
I am not sure how scratches is come in my leg
Please tell me the away what I do now
Actually I am confused sir
Please help me

I already take 2 full dose previous and previous year August take other 3injection
Please help me
Answered by Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
I have explained everything in first answer

Detailed Answer:
Dear Patra,
Thanks for reverting back to me.

I think you missed my first answer.

I have explained the reason for scratches as well as what need to be done.

Please read them again and let me know if you have more questions.

Thanks and regards.
Note: In case of any other concern or query related to prevention, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, or the recovery of persons with the any type of addiction or substance use, follow up with our Addiction Medicine Specialist. Click here to book a consultation now.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Ashok Kumar Choudhary


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Suggest Treatment For Cynophobia

Brief Answer: This could be health anxiety disorder Detailed Answer: Dear Anjan Patra, Thanks for using Healthcaremagic. I read your query and understand your concerns. First I like to inform you that scratch can come from excoriation which is produced when you have itching and scratch vigorously. Regarding itching it can be derived from simple insect bite to some other disease process as simple as dryness of skin in winter months. Now regarding fear of dog bite I feel there is some subconscious fear which is developing all these symptoms. This often happens when some dog has bitten you in childhood, or may be parents used fear of dog which got ingrained in your thought process and many other similar reasons. Due to these subconscious thought processes you may have developed a disorder called as health anxiety which is characterized by fear of serious illness despite no evidence or evidence in contrary. I must assure you that the problem can be treated with both psychotherapy and medications. When it is too severe there may need for combination of both medications and psychotherapy. As per my personal experience the disorder is difficult to treat but not impossible to treat. The disorder is best treated by a team od psychologist and psychiatrist. I request you to see nearby mental health professional without delay. I hope this answers you and addresses your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. If not, you may close the discussion and if possible you may rate the answer for my future patients. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below mentioned link: Thanks and regards.