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Suggest Treatment For Eczema In A Child

Posted on Thu, 23 Feb 2017
Question: my son 9 years old has broken out with exima badly waht can it be the allergy test came back ok
Answered by Dr. Dr. Kakkar (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Kindly upload images

Detailed Answer:
Hello. Thank you for writing to us

I am dr.kakkar (dermatologist).
I have gone through your query and i have noted your concern.
I request you to kindly upload a few images of his skin condition so that i am able to guide you better. You may either upload images in "Reports Section" or you may mail me the images at YYYY@YYYY with the subject line of the mail as Attention: Dr.Kakkar

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Dr. Kakkar (9 hours later)
i up loaded 3 images
Answered by Dr. Dr. Kakkar (36 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Oral antibiotic syp and topical steroid + antibiotic cream

Detailed Answer:
I have reviewed the images.
He seems to have developed eczematous dermatitis with secondary bacterial infection. This can happen in children who have dry skin. They tend to itch and scratch which can develop into infected eczema.
I would suggest an oral antibiotic e.g syp augmentin duo 228.5mg/5ml, 3x daily for a week. For eczema patches he may use a topical steroid+antibiotic combination cream e.g momate-f cream, 2x daily for 2 weeks.
In addition i would suggest an oral antihistamine e.g syp. Alerid 5mg/ml, 1 tsf daily for itch relief.
As a general advice you must use a moisturizer regularly for his skin e.g Atogla moisturizing lotion so tgat his skin remains moist and does'nt itch.

Note: Hope the answers resolves your concerns, however for further guidance of skin related queries consult our Dermatologist.Click here to book a consultation

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Dr. Kakkar


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Suggest Treatment For Eczema In A Child

Brief Answer: Kindly upload images Detailed Answer: Hello. Thank you for writing to us I am dr.kakkar (dermatologist). I have gone through your query and i have noted your concern. I request you to kindly upload a few images of his skin condition so that i am able to guide you better. You may either upload images in "Reports Section" or you may mail me the images at YYYY@YYYY with the subject line of the mail as Attention: Dr.Kakkar Regards