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Suggest Treatment For Hair Loss In 3 Different Places

Posted on Wed, 26 Aug 2015
Question: Alopecia barbae any specific foods to not eat during alopecia barbae. mine are 3 spots, 1 of 0.5 inch, 1.5 inch and 2 inches. this stated probably months ago but i noticed 2 months back.

This must have started months ago but i saw it 2 months back when i shaved. it was definitely the same 3 patches but much smaller.

is there a way to see if the follicles are dead? also, can i shave, will that damage the hair in any way? i did see probably 3 ultra soft grey hair. it has been 3 weeks since my first and only visit to a dermat.

I am also taking Tinospora cordifolia for anti inflamattory, ayurvedic medicine.
Along with Arogyavardhini Vati - ayurvedic medicine
(since 4 days)

During my first visit 3 weeks back to a dermatologist, i got the Kenalog injection. and the clobetsol cream.

Also since then i saw 3 grey hair in the center of the patch.
Answered by Dr. Neel Kudchadkar (58 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
No damage by shaving. Follicles may be visualized.

Detailed Answer:

You mention that you have 3 specific zones where you have lost hair, furthermore you might have tried Kenalog and Clobetasol medications. You are curious to know whether you can detect presence of hair follicles, isn't it? The fact of the matter is that to examine the follicles a special instrument will be required as they are quite miniscule. And I strongly feel that shaving away would and could not possibly affect the hair follicles, because they are embedded and the blade edge razes away the surface. This is a fact. I also would advise you against Ayurvedic medications because there is no real scientific inquiry or research done very recently to back their claims. They too do have side effects and these cannot be easily controlled unlike the allopathic medications for which we have exact counter balances.

As regards, foods and alopecia, you might want to know that there are certain foods that if you do not eat regularly for their health benefits; can cause or worsen alopecia. This is because you need to have a very balanced diet. It is that simple. We want to avoid vitamin deficiencies and the like. Furthermore, I would kindly tell you that many medications do cause alopecia as a side effect. Not that any you are taking cause the problem. I mean to say, that given the fact that , indeed you do have 3 spots, always ask your doctor, before taking medications whether they might exacerbate the 3 spots.

I would like your opinions about this advice.
Perhaps, you might have some questions or doubts.

Dr. Neel Kudchadkar
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Follow up: Dr. Neel Kudchadkar (1 hour later)
Thanks Doctor XXXXXXX

Now, in the 3 spots, i see 4-5 hairs growing, very light, grey in color. However, i see tons of exclamation mark hair. I read Exclamation mark hair means that the root of that hair is dying! Will that mean my cheek is next target...... so maybe I am still eating something that is bothering this.. Or do you think stress can also cause Alopecia?

Could cigg. smoking cause? I smoke 7-8 per day, sometimes less. But last year I was smoking way more. Then i remember maybe just one area had hair loss, it was 1 cm big, and then 1. cm. it stayed like that for almost a year and then the crazy attack. I was going through lot of stress. In either case my body immune is in disorder, will that mean an immunomodulator is something i should try?

Have you heard of the plant Tinospora cordifolia? it's the ayurvedic medicine that i bought? Found it in the US official health website about it's properties and benefits. Any idea? The Ayurvedic medicine, is from Baba Ramdev for alopecia. Maybe I should discontinue it. I just started.

Also, did you see the picture i sent. I have very health head and body hair. touch wood. no signs of alopecia.

I am thinking of using almond oil, a few ml mixed with few drops of lavender and XXXXXXX oil. it supposed to be good. I heard.

Also, can you tell me if you have ever cured an Alopecia barbae person, have you ever seen it?

Thanks for your promot reply. appreciate Doctor.

Answered by Dr. Neel Kudchadkar (52 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Stop AYUSH. Visit an allopathic dermatologist. This is best of all.

Detailed Answer:

Smoking can cause hair loss, indeed due to it's oxidising nature. You might want to quit, or at least try to minimize the smoke, or use smokeless versions of nicotine such a lozenges, or patches or gums.

There has been enough said about controversial medications marketed by Baba Ramdev. This is not to take anything away from him.

It is the latest fad given ecommerce websites to promote certain exotic plants,
nevertheless, remember that if at all the Tinospora cordifolia were to have good effects, it would have side effects too. It is a myth that natural products are safe.
The deadliest poisons, like aconite, nightshade, hemlock are all plant derivatives.

The allopathic pharmaceutical industry is very readily accountable and responsible for any ill effects of drugs. This is not the case with alternatives like AYUSH.

I have seen patients with all the hues of alopecia in dermatology wards. Have you ever thought of trying local allopathic vasodialator medicines? Since no doctor can cure all possible cases of all possible diseases in a lifetime, I would say not.

However the future is bright and optimistic, if you sincerely try allopathic treatment. Under medical supervision.

You need to visit a dermatologist for this assessment since everything cannot be done online.

Dr. Neel Kudchadkar
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Shanthi.E
Follow up: Dr. Neel Kudchadkar (4 hours later)
I am taking Kanalog and clobetsol with a dermat. Is that Allopathy? I did mentioned that I saw a dermatologist in the first message and the names of the medicine.

I visited 3.5 weeks back. And my next visit is due in a few days. I will most likely get another round of Kenalog (triamcinolone injection on the hairless areas of the beard).

Thanks for your reply Doctor.

Answered by Dr. Neel Kudchadkar (13 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Clobetasol to be used for short periods. Yes, it is allopathic.

Detailed Answer:

See. You are absolutely right. Kenalog and Clobetasol are allopathic medications. Particularly clobetasol. Which is one of the most powerful steroid creams in the market. Now, I do know why your 3 spots are so. Clobetasol is so strong that if it is used too frequently, it dissolves the skin like tissue paper. Your skin contains each and every precious hair root, and follicle. It is meant to be used for a very short period. Stop it now, if you have been using for a long time. Don't worry, the skin will get "automatically" restored again, in a very short time. As for Triamcinolone, it is also a steroid, but quite weak compared to Clobetasol.

Duly note that this is my personal medical opinion and online telemedicine has limitations. I have not physically examined you. In general, stop all AYUSH, meaning A yurveda Y oga U XXXXXXX S iddha H omeopathy.

They will clash with allopathic medicines.

Stop rubbing other liniments into the skin as they are really not effective.

Kindly question your dermatologist very carefully on exact instructions on how to apply the creams and when, and for how long. This needs a face to face meeting.

I am optimistic as regards your progress.

Dr. Neel Kudchadkar
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vaishalee Punj
Follow up: Dr. Neel Kudchadkar (11 minutes later)
Doctor so this is my usage of the drug so far.

It has been only 7 weeks since i found out i have Alopecia barbae.

and i went to the dermat on july 9th first time. I started clobetsol on July 15th. I am asked to use it for only 21 days , twice a day. So far it's not even 21 days.

What does that have to do with 3 spots? I am confused. I always had 3 spots of hairless growth. I dont have any spots or marks, let me clarify. I just dont have hair growth on 3 spots on my face.

Please advise.

Answered by Dr. Neel Kudchadkar (11 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
It's OK.

Detailed Answer:

When I wrote "spots", I meant, what you mean when you say regions of hairless growth. I did not mean discolored spots. Because, it is a semantic of the English
language to call "distinct areas affected" in "a general sort of way" as "spots".

I have seen your photograph. I have examined it.

I am sorry if this has caused you some confusion.

I hope I have clarified matters.

Clobetasol has no permanent effects. It "wears" off, after the last application.

Do not worry. It is warranted in special circumstances when a face to face physical examination is performed. Remember, dermatology is a totally visual field. Thus,
examination, follow up and face to face assessment are vital.

Don't worry. Just follow your dermat's advice.

I am confident of a very good prognosis.

Dr. Neel Kudchadkar
Note: Hope the answers resolves your concerns, however for further guidance of skin related queries consult our Dermatologist.Click here to book a consultation

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj
Answered by
Dr. Neel Kudchadkar

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :2004

Answered : 532 Questions


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Suggest Treatment For Hair Loss In 3 Different Places

Brief Answer: No damage by shaving. Follicles may be visualized. Detailed Answer: Hi! You mention that you have 3 specific zones where you have lost hair, furthermore you might have tried Kenalog and Clobetasol medications. You are curious to know whether you can detect presence of hair follicles, isn't it? The fact of the matter is that to examine the follicles a special instrument will be required as they are quite miniscule. And I strongly feel that shaving away would and could not possibly affect the hair follicles, because they are embedded and the blade edge razes away the surface. This is a fact. I also would advise you against Ayurvedic medications because there is no real scientific inquiry or research done very recently to back their claims. They too do have side effects and these cannot be easily controlled unlike the allopathic medications for which we have exact counter balances. As regards, foods and alopecia, you might want to know that there are certain foods that if you do not eat regularly for their health benefits; can cause or worsen alopecia. This is because you need to have a very balanced diet. It is that simple. We want to avoid vitamin deficiencies and the like. Furthermore, I would kindly tell you that many medications do cause alopecia as a side effect. Not that any you are taking cause the problem. I mean to say, that given the fact that , indeed you do have 3 spots, always ask your doctor, before taking medications whether they might exacerbate the 3 spots. I would like your opinions about this advice. Perhaps, you might have some questions or doubts. Regards, Dr. Neel Kudchadkar