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Suggest Treatment For Hypochondria

Posted on Sat, 30 Jul 2016
Question: I researched all possibilities of upper lung not working as it should.
I have ignored it so not to consider it.

No I have had no CT Scan. No dr has thought it necessary and the Xray was satisfactory in Dr needs for lung decision.

So i will stay with my knowledge, forget Centracinar Emp and wait for relaxing to take effect.

NO, You either have a bad wife or you are full of Cow Dung (teasing You), I know you like you know me. You couldnt live without her. You do not sound like you are unhappy in a marriage so dont try to fool me.

I will say that Pulmonologists are in short supply in Sioux Falls, South XXXXXXX USA. It takes 3 months to get in to see one unless you are in an emergency.

This thread has had multiple questions, they will close aftter so many
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (26 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Yes, you are right. I love my wife a lot.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Healthcare Magic.
I can understand your concern.
I guess last question was closed by HCM. Is it so?
Or is it still open?
And yes, I love my wife a lot but I can live few days without her. Ha ha. Especially if it's your company. Ha ha ha ha.
I sometimes think that you are hypochondriac. Don't take it seriously.
Do you know who is hypochondriac?
I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Drkaushal85 (4 minutes later)
I am sure I am a hypochondriac. I was normal until around 2001-2002, then I started looking at the aches and pains, the strange sensations of my body, the changes and afflictions, too many at once i guess. Started me worrying about my life and short changing time for others who want or need my presence until I get old, then I want to go peacefully in the night.

Yes they closed last thread. so I will close it and rate it
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (4 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Yes, please close the last thread and rate it.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Healthcare Magic.
I can understand your concern.
Sorry, you took it personally.
You sound like you are hurt about my hypochondriac word.
I am extremely sorry if you are hurt.
I think you take everything personally, whatever happens to you and start negative things only.
I think you should change this habit of yours. You should think good things first.
And yes, please close the last thread and rate it.
Sorry again.
I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Drkaushal85 (13 minutes later)
Ha ha, sorry that my words make you think my feelings are hurt. To be honest, I have been told I have thick skin, meaning that nothing bothers me. Actually, Somethings do bother me but your words never bother me. even if they are direct, stern, angry, I know that you are conveying an answer and I listen but I do not get hurt. I listen and learn, I do not always remember so I have you repeat but I am listening and happy at your words.
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (5 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
I am blushing.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Healthcare Magic.
I can understand your concern.
What? Are you serious? People really think that you are thinking skin person?
On the contrary I found you very soft person.
Who thinks that nothing bothers you? Your current wife?
And Thanks for giving me five stars. Yipee.. Ha ha.
I also love talking to you. Honestly.
I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Drkaushal85 (20 hours later)
Good morning my friend, I pray that it will be a good day for myself. I am optimistic and am trying to keep all thoughts of breathing out of my mind. I took my meds last night, added two .5 mg melatonin pills and had a pretty good night sleep. I woke twice and woke at 11:30 to use bathroom but fell back asleep after a few minutes.

I still want to find some way to raise my body. My bed partner doesn't want her side to be raised though.

Oh, I was told yesterday that I did not get the job, but I was in the top three So I need to keep looking. In the meantime I will polish my skills to be number one on the next chance
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (4 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Sorry for hearing about this job rejection.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Healthcare Magic.
I can understand your concern.
First of all very good morning to you my dearest friend.
I am feeling bad that you have not get this job. Sorry for this.
And it's good that you had good night sleep.
May I ask you something personal?
Is this opportunity gone or still there is little hope?
Are you talking melatonin daily?
Please reply me answers of above asked questions, so that I can guide you better. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Drkaushal85 (24 minutes later)
No there is no chance to still get this job unless the person who was chosen turns it down.

The melatonin was a bottle of my wife's. I just chose to try some. I had a tough day yesterday. Since it isn't emphysema in my upper lung, it must be the inflammation causing difficulty to get air into the upper lung. And yesterday I had a lite lunch and my stomach felt full and pressed on lower lung so breathing was not full and deep as it should I guess that the lower was with inflammation too but I sensed it in the upper while the lower let some air in.
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (4 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
What answer you got after today's GP question?

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Healthcare Magic.
I can understand your concern.
Sorry to hear this.
Actually I want to know 1 thing.
You asked 1 GP question today early morning.
Who answered it? And what was the answer?
Actually that question was also put in front of me but as you asked for second opinion, I refused to answer.
I am curious what was the answer.
Please tell me. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Drkaushal85 (5 minutes later)
As I said I was having a rough- hypochondriac day with my breathing. I got worried asked for another answer and got what I wanted to hear.

The answer was to trust in my dr's (you) diagnosis.

Sorry if I made you feel like I left you answers not trusted. But what I wanted was a quick re assuring answer during my day time and you would have been asleep.
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (13 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
But, no one was available for 4-5 hours.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Healthcare Magic.
I can understand your concern.
To tell you honestly, I was also feeling insecurity when I saw your question in open forum.
But when I put myself in your position, I understood why you asked for second opinion.
But I must say you had to wait for at least 4-5 hours as I was forwarded that question for 4-5 times so I thought that no one is answering it.
So my sleep was a bit disturbed by this repeated forwarded questions. Ha ha ha. And don't feel bad as I am not disturbed by my patients.
Sorry if you feel bad that I asked you this.
But I was anxious about this so asked.
Now you are giving me anxiety. Ha ha ha.
I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Drkaushal85 (9 minutes later)
I have to say that the screen I write a first question on has a blinking statement. Its says "169 Doctors available right now". So I thought I would get an answer right away. I sent it around 3 pm my time, which should have been 1:30 am your time. You should have been in bed, so I would not hear from you till 8:30 am your time approximately. I never got an answer till after I went to bed and did not see it till 5 am my time or 3:30 pm your time.
Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (6 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
What? You got that answer after 10 hours. Is it so?

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Healthcare Magic.
I can understand your concern.
You got that answer after 10 hours of asking?
Is it so?

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Follow up: Dr. Drkaushal85 (16 minutes later)
That is true, Actually I put the question at 3, waited and it was not in at 9 then i see it came in at 10 pm but I was asleep and I got up at 5:30 am so I waited 14.5 hours to get an answer.

No more of these, maybe I should ask a general question about the wart on my toe. I dont need an answer to fast. Or maybe I should as a dermatologist about the age spots starting on my bald head.

Anyway, I am going to work on relaxing today ( I have said that before). Today, I want to ignore the tight upper chest/upper lung not expanding and see if i can relax enough so that it starts to open up. If I can get that to work, I think that the rest of my breathing will ease up and feel much better

After all you said its not Emphysema so I cant come up with any other idea why my upper lungs do not want to comply with breathing.

Hey, Just so you know, I have noticed that if I relax and drop my shoulders and push my shoulders back, I find that I can take a more eased breath. Not full breath but easier. I assume its the muscle tension

Answered by Dr. Drkaushal85 (5 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Yes, it is the muscle tension.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question on Healthcare Magic.
I can understand your concern.
Yes, it is nothing but a muscle tension.
No worries, you can do this technique also for better breathing. But make sure it doesn't give you musculoskeletal pain.
Hey, I was going through our previous conversation and in one of them you said something that newer version of Healthcare Magic shows my good image. What was this?
I forgot to ask you this before so asking now.
I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Note: For further follow up on related General & Family Physician Click here.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Drkaushal85


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Suggest Treatment For Hypochondria

Brief Answer: Yes, you are right. I love my wife a lot. Detailed Answer: Thanks for your follow up question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. I guess last question was closed by HCM. Is it so? Or is it still open? And yes, I love my wife a lot but I can live few days without her. Ha ha. Especially if it's your company. Ha ha ha ha. I sometimes think that you are hypochondriac. Don't take it seriously. Do you know who is hypochondriac? I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks