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Suggest Treatment For Persistent Cold And While On Guaifenesin

Posted on Tue, 21 Feb 2017
Question: I have had a bad cold for over a week. It has now settled into my chest and I am coughing up green mucus. Have tried guaifenesin but without much relief. Hoping yp get some antibiotic.
Answered by Dr. Vasudha (2 hours later)
Brief Answer:
self care & specific treatment would help.

Detailed Answer:
Hi xxxxxx,
Thank you for the query under health care magic.I have read it &understand your concern.
It seems you had a viral or allergic cold to start with ,which did not subside but was secondarily infected by bacteria ( green cough indicates infection).
Having no relief with Gifenesin.... you need to change the antibiotic. Azithromycin 500 mg or Amoxicillin-cloxicillin combinations would do good in chest infections... the suitable dose should be decided after physical examination by a physician.
BUT ideally sputum culture &sensitivity test should be done for finding effective antibiotic &start with it to get a guaranteed effect.Consult your treating physician for the test &also suitable for you.
- In case you have diabetes.. the sugar should be checked... & needful alteration in diabetic medicines done as per your treating Diabetes doctor.
* Self care..
-Avoid eating spicy ,oily or sour food.Avoid known allergens.
-Drink lot of warm water. Do hot saline gargles.
Take vapor inhalation.
-Avoid exposure to extreme cold,dust,smoke,fumes. Stop smoking.
I hope that answers your query. Any follow up query is welcome.
Please close the query if you don't have any query.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Answered by
Dr. Vasudha

General & Family Physician

Practicing since :1970

Answered : 10398 Questions


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Suggest Treatment For Persistent Cold And While On Guaifenesin

Brief Answer: self care & specific treatment would help. Detailed Answer: Hi xxxxxx, Thank you for the query under health care magic.I have read it &understand your concern. It seems you had a viral or allergic cold to start with ,which did not subside but was secondarily infected by bacteria ( green cough indicates infection). Having no relief with Gifenesin.... you need to change the antibiotic. Azithromycin 500 mg or Amoxicillin-cloxicillin combinations would do good in chest infections... the suitable dose should be decided after physical examination by a physician. BUT ideally sputum culture &sensitivity test should be done for finding effective antibiotic &start with it to get a guaranteed effect.Consult your treating physician for the test &also suitable for you. - In case you have diabetes.. the sugar should be checked... & needful alteration in diabetic medicines done as per your treating Diabetes doctor. * Self care.. -Avoid eating spicy ,oily or sour food.Avoid known allergens. -Drink lot of warm water. Do hot saline gargles. Take vapor inhalation. -Avoid exposure to extreme cold,dust,smoke,fumes. Stop smoking. I hope that answers your query. Any follow up query is welcome. Please close the query if you don't have any query. Thanks.