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Suggest Treatment For Rashes All Over The Torso

Posted on Wed, 22 Feb 2017
Question: Husband broke out in rash with lumps....I believe it's from his new can he get relief and get rid of it?
Answered by Dr. Noble Zachariah (22 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
Likely to be urticaria

Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for your query.
It's likely that he is allergic to the new clothing.
He should stop wearing it and also take Telfast 180 mg once a day till the lesions disappear.
Do get back to me if you have further questions.
Note: For more detailed guidance, please consult an Internal Medicine Specialist, with your latest reports. Click here..

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Answered by
Dr. Noble Zachariah

Internal Medicine Specialist

Practicing since :1974

Answered : 2319 Questions


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Suggest Treatment For Rashes All Over The Torso

Brief Answer: Likely to be urticaria Detailed Answer: Hello, Welcome and thanks for your query. It's likely that he is allergic to the new clothing. He should stop wearing it and also take Telfast 180 mg once a day till the lesions disappear. Do get back to me if you have further questions.