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Suggest Treatment To Increase Height

Posted on Wed, 9 Jul 2014
Question: Hello,

My daughter is 13 years old in the next one week. She had her first menstrual cycle February 2014.
Her height is 1meter and 50 centimeter ( 150cm ) . She has a quite big lack of vitamin D ( discovered recently ) and her ATPO ( antithyroidian hormons - autoimmune ) is a little bit high ( 3 times more than normal level ) but the TSH is low ( which is good ) and other tyroidian hormons are fine . Now, the endocrinologist gave her vitamin D 2000u.i. / day and for the growth she proposed as solution to stop with injection ( one per month ) the menstrual cycle. I would prefer pills , homeopathy or ayurverdic remedies instead of making decision of stopping the cycle. Can you please recommend a treatment for increasing the height? Also, I hope the level of the vitamin D will be restored . Thank you for helping us! XXXX
Answered by Dr. Arun (13 hours later)
Brief Answer:
need to increase vit d

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to health care magic.
I usullly recommend vitamin d at 60000 units per day for 10 days if there is definitely a deficiency of vit d.
For increase in height, it is not advisable to skip menstrual cycle with injection or tablets.
At puberty, all girls will have a growth spurt. Ensure you give her good protein and iron in the diet.
As her ATPO is positive do test her growth hormone levels too ( endocrine problems can occur in multiples) . If low, height can be increased with growth hormone therapy.

Dr Arun
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Follow up: Dr. Arun (2 days later)

Thank you for your answer!
I gave already for 8 weeks 2000u.i. /day vit D. Shall I still give her 60.000u.i. / day, for 10 days ? She had level of vit D at 14 instead of 30 ( the minimum normal level ), after 6 weeks she reached 24 and with 2000u.i. / day. Till September when next analysis will be carried out , I hope level of min 30 at least will be reached though probably better is to reach even higher level isn't it ?

As regards autoimmune tyroid , I did already test for my daughter for growth hormone and this is at the minimum level.
1. What consists in growth hormone therapy ?
2. Can you please recommend good protein and iron? Arginine is it good?

We will take your advise to leave in peace her puberty. I will not go for injections to interrupt this .

Thank you so much for helping!

With best wishes,

Answered by Dr. Arun (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
no need to hike dose

Detailed Answer:
If the vit D is already increasing, and you have given it for 8 weeks, there is no need to increase it. Wait till September.
Growth hormone therapy is again in injections once a month or so only if growth hormone is deficient.
Protein and iron is best found in non veg foods like meat and.chicken and few veg foods like pulses, eggs, dates, spinach etc.
Argininine as separate supplement is only for sick individuals.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj
Follow up: Dr. Arun (28 minutes later)
thank you again! issue with vit. d is clear now.
hope not to bother you too much but would like to ask you if supplements for increasing the growth hormone are good for my daughter.
I am giving her homeopathy product named Height Promoter form SBL.
Baryta carbonica 3x
Silicea 6x
Thuja occidentalis 3x
Calcarea phosphorica 3x

is this ok? Do you know any other efficient supplement?
Thank you for the recommendation about the iron too!

Have a nice day!
Kind regards,
Answered by Dr. Arun (6 minutes later)
Brief Answer:
growth hormone injection might help

Detailed Answer:
Regarding homeopathic medicine as it is not my specialty I am not the right person to comment on it. You can discuss individually with homeopathy experts.

As far as other medicines are concerned beside growth hormones I am not aware of any other products. There are no good clinical data available about other products. Growth hormone injections can be taken once daily or weekly.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Prasad
Follow up: Dr. Arun (29 minutes later)
Can I reach through this site a homeopathy expert?
Thank you and best regards,
Answered by Dr. Arun (10 minutes later)
Brief Answer:

Detailed Answer:
You can browse and find many homeopathic doctors in this website.
Note: For more information on hormonal imbalance symptoms or unmanaged diabetes with other comorbid conditions, get back to us & Consult with an Endocrinologist. Click here to book an appointment.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj
Answered by
Dr. Arun

Pediatrician, Pulmonology

Practicing since :2003

Answered : 1961 Questions


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Suggest Treatment To Increase Height

Brief Answer: need to increase vit d Detailed Answer: Hi. Thanks for writing to health care magic. I usullly recommend vitamin d at 60000 units per day for 10 days if there is definitely a deficiency of vit d. For increase in height, it is not advisable to skip menstrual cycle with injection or tablets. At puberty, all girls will have a growth spurt. Ensure you give her good protein and iron in the diet. As her ATPO is positive do test her growth hormone levels too ( endocrine problems can occur in multiples) . If low, height can be increased with growth hormone therapy. Regards Dr Arun